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All Blog Posts (1,587)

Megan Lund wins in Switzerland.

Congrats to Boulder Running Company/adidas athlete Megan Lund and her victory at the Sierre-Zinal mountain race in Switzerland. To say that Sierre-Zinal is one of the greatest mountain races in the

world would be an understatement. "It is to mountain running what the New York Marathon is to


The course description is simple: 31 km, 2200m ascent and 800m descent (19miles, 7200ft ascent and 2200ft

descent). it looks something like this:…


Added by Boulder Running Company on August 10, 2010 at 2:42pm — 1 Comment

Guess the winner of Leadville Trail 100, win a PikesPeakSports.us T-Shirt

PikesPeakSports.us member Dean Blanchard, the only person to predict Levi Leipheimer as winner of the Leadville Traill 100, has won the PikesPeakSports.us shirt. Congrats Dean! Way to go, Levi!

OK, Lance Armstrong has announced he won't race in the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race on Saturday.


But now we have a race. Who will win? Dave Wiens? Levi Leipheimer?… Continue

Added by Tim Bergsten on August 10, 2010 at 12:30pm — 11 Comments

Old Story: Tour De Victor

(This is my account of one of my favorite races every in my 20 years of racing...which sadly the year I did it would be the last. 2004 I believe)

So it wasn’t long ago that I got roped into what my friend calls “The Toughest Mountain Bike Race under 20 miles in Colorado". Sure whatever. In the day of 29″ wheels and semi slick tires mountain bike racing is dead and trying to revive NORBA is like trying to pump up a flat tire with one of those mini-pumps. Besides, I’m sick of racing… Continue

Added by Jon Severson on August 9, 2010 at 6:33pm — No Comments

Bikes and Music=The Perfect Mix

ealized today how much I love to ride my bike and how much I was meant to ride it. It just resets my brain and helps me clear shit. I put in the headphones, move it to the "1ride1live" playlist on my Ipod and begin the process of emptying my brain....instead filling it with the music I rarely listen to anymore. The old punk and metal stuff mostly. The stuff that can drive my ride and push me beyond my lung and heart capacity. Pantera, Motorhead, Thrill Kill Kult, Mudhoney, Dead Kennedys,… Continue

Added by Jon Severson on August 9, 2010 at 6:30pm — No Comments

About a Boy (And his Bike)

(My friend Phoebe challenged me to write something other than my funny misadventures or my non-fiction. To write something about me. So here is the start)

It was the summer of 1989 that a small town child had oddly been exposed to the idea of an “all terrain bicycle”. The oddity derived from the fact the boy grew up in a secluded subdivision 7 miles away from a little nowhere town of 25,000 known to the mapmakers as Winona, MN, and even then it was a subdivision of 5 homes that… Continue

Added by Jon Severson on August 9, 2010 at 6:27pm — No Comments

Can't scream loud enough

What a great ride I had... Started at the Bear Creek Dog park and rode the Ascent Cycling Series trails up to Gold Camp. From there, I rode up Gold Camp to High Drive and up to the Captn Jacks. Totally bombed down Jacks (crash free), then some high speed road back down Gold Camp, then exited onto Bear Creek Terrace for more high speed downhill single track.

I can't scream loud enough how great a ride that is.

I just need to replace my GPS so I can map these out and time myself… Continue

Added by Bill Schmeister on August 6, 2010 at 2:03pm — 1 Comment

RAGBRAI, Another Great Adventure In The Books!

Good Morning all! I just wanted to update everyone on my latest adventure in Iowa. The latest of which was RAGBRAI or The Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa®. Yes, you read that right. RAGBRAI is a bicycle ride across the glorious cornfield laden state of…


Added by Christi Keiser on August 6, 2010 at 1:46pm — No Comments

Ask the Coach - Sore Calves and Bricks

Welcome back to the weekly 'Ask the Coach' column! This week we're talking about sore muscles and brick workouts. I've also included a free workout for you!…


Added by Nicole Odell on August 5, 2010 at 6:30am — No Comments

PC Now Has Another Meaning in My Life

I use to think PC only stood for "Personal Computer." Now I know it also can stand for "Portion Control." I spent 11 days in Venezuela working with missionaries and playing with kids. I learned a couple of things with my trip. No matter the cultural differences, people are people. Middle-aged women worried about wrinkles showing up in their photos. Kids love to have their photo taken playing sports. Community is what helps people get…

Added by Ralph Clark on August 4, 2010 at 9:00pm — 3 Comments

My favorite places to mountain bike in the Springs.

We're so lucky here in the Springs. We've so much great riding and it's so close. The list below is some of my favorite places to ride.

1. The Chutes, Gold Camp Rd., Buckhorn, Capt. Jacks, Gold Camp to the Chutes loop.

By far, my favorite ride in the area. Maybe it's because this was the first big ride I did when I first moved here 16 years ago. Maybe it's because it starts with a killer climb and ends with a hellacious downhill bomb with… Continue

Added by Brian McCarrie on August 3, 2010 at 11:33am — 2 Comments

Big announcement on the Steps of the Colorado State Capitol from Gov. Ritter and Lance Armstrong tomorrow!!!

Dear Colorado Cyclist,

On behalf of USA Cycling and the sport of cycling in Colorado, I would like to invite you to attend a special announcement on the steps of the…


Added by Brian McCarrie on August 3, 2010 at 10:19am — No Comments

Slow Ride - take it easy...

“You OK?”

I hadn’t noticed the rider coming up behind me.

“Yeah, just looking for my lung” I replied, chuckling to myself at my standard reply.

She was probably a Falcon 100 rider, on her second lap. Maybe she was a Cat 2, just catching up to me. Whoever she was, she rode past quickly, just like everyone else had.

I started in the single speed category at the Rocky Mountain State Games. We rode Falcon Trail…


Added by Jon Zanone on August 1, 2010 at 7:00pm — 1 Comment

Fresh Gear fixed for Free Saturday August 14

press release

July 30, 2010

Fresh Gear Fixed for Free Saturday August 14

FLATLAND BMX PRO James Macgraw to perform for youth

The Business of Arts Center and ROLLBIKEART.COM are proud to present the 6th Annual ROLL Bike Art Festival. ROLL has brought its mystique to Manitou in 2010 with Free Saturday featuring BMX magic for kids of all ages. Through a partnership with local bike shop Suburban Shred and nonprofit organization Kids On Bikes, an… Continue

Added by Amy Seltzer on July 30, 2010 at 2:20pm — No Comments

Ask the Coach - Swim Distances and Electrolytes

(also found on http://neoendurance.blogspot.com)

Welcome to the first weekly 'Ask the Coach' column. Answers to questions sent in will be published each Thursday. Questions can be sent to me via email, posted to my facebook page, or by commenting on this blog.

Thanks to all those who submitted questions! I am going to… Continue

Added by Nicole Odell on July 29, 2010 at 9:11am — 2 Comments

Ultra Rob saved my life in Leadville!!!

When my friend Wade, asked me to join him on a training ride in Leadville, I wasn't sure what I was getting into when I agreed to go. I knew it was going to be a long ride and a big day but I don't think I knew how big.

He explained that we would park in one place and go up the Columbine climb and then head back across and go up the Powerline climb. Sounded easy enough. Little did I know that we were going to park 22 miles away from the base of the Columbine…


Added by Brian McCarrie on July 28, 2010 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

Ask the Coach

NEO fans and athletes - I hope you've enjoyed the last ten video tips! I will be working on a few new series of video tips that you are sure to enjoy, but while I am working on these swim/bike/run tips, I'd like to introduce a weekly 'Ask the Coach' series. Send in your endurance sport related questions, either by comment on this blog post, on my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/NEO.Endurance.Sports, or by direct email to me at… Continue

Added by Nicole Odell on July 22, 2010 at 3:45pm — No Comments

Afternoon Westside Road Ride

Got out on the road bike today for a much needed and hilly road rode.

I started at my house in Pleasant Valley and headed up Fontmore/Filmore over to where it meets Centennial Blvd. I took Centennial North past Vindicator to where it turns into Woodmen Rd. I proceeded down Woodmen out by I-25 and made a right on to Corporate Center Dr. and then another quick right onto Mark Dabling. Took Mark Dabling down to Rockrimmon Blvd. and took that up to Vindicator. Made a left on Vindicator,… Continue

Added by Brian McCarrie on July 19, 2010 at 5:31pm — No Comments

Efficient Transitions Part 2: T2

Last week we went over some time saving tips for the swim to bike transition - T1. This week we will discuss the bike to run transition, also known as T2.

It never fails, when we come back from our bike leg in a race, no matter how long…

Added by Nicole Odell on July 14, 2010 at 10:11pm — No Comments

Boulder Peak Race Report

(also found on http://bananadeath.blogspot.com)

The Boulder Peak has been around for 19 years. It's a classic race in Boulder with a short, yet challenging climb during the first 7.5 miles of the race. The run course is pretty flat with a few short hills, but it is exposed and it's more often than not really hot. I did the race last year for the first time. Here's my account of the weekend and the 2nd time at the Boulder Peak.

Saturday:… Continue

Added by Nicole Odell on July 12, 2010 at 12:22pm — No Comments

Brooks Run Happy Cavalcade of Curiosities.

Looks what is going to be here tomorrow 3-7.

Stop by and see what all the buzz is about.

Added by Boulder Running Company on July 12, 2010 at 11:59am — No Comments

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