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Bill Schmeister
  • Male
  • Colorado Springs, CO
  • United States
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  • lisa czelatdko
  • Dan Miller
  • kirk barrett
  • Jill Suarez
  • Al Brody
  • doug johnson
  • Jon Severson
  • Jason Poole
  • Nicole Odell
  • Ty
  • Tim Bergsten
  • Brian McCarrie

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At 8:36am on January 28, 2011, Brian McCarrie said…
Sounds like you're making some progress. I bet in another two weeks you'll be doing tons better. Hang in there!!!
At 12:59pm on January 18, 2011, Nicole Odell said…
Good question, Bill. For cardio, off the top of my head I can thing of a hand cycle (some gyms have them, and PT clinics usually do). You can also get exercise bands and do some upper body strength training (low resistance, high reps.) I'll let you know if I think of anything else, but I'm sure you'll be visiting a physical therapist at some point, right? They can definitely help!
At 4:18pm on January 17, 2011, Nicole Odell said…

Hey Bill, sorry to hear about your injury, but it looks like you had a great team coming to your rescue and care! Heal up quickly...your bike is waiting for you! :)

At 12:44pm on January 17, 2011, Ann S. said…
Best wishes for a full and quick recovery.
At 12:39pm on January 17, 2011, Tracey Cohen said…
Sorry to hear about your fall. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
At 12:27pm on January 17, 2011, Barbara Bannister said…

So sorry to hear about your accident.  Here is to a speedy recovery and hope that you are riding again very soon.


At 11:35am on January 17, 2011, Debbie Rhuby said…
Hi Bill, I arrived as part of the SAR team, but missed meeting you because my backpack disappeared from the team vehicle enroute (driver's side compartment was left open), so I spent that time trying to locate my pack.  Sorry that this happened to you, and sorry I wasn't able to be part of helping you!  I hope you recover quickly and fully.
At 10:37am on January 17, 2011, Brian McCarrie said…
Hey Bill, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident up in Williams Canyon. I had a bad feeling once I saw the Search and Rescue pics. I used to volunteer with them, I hope they treated you well. Get some rest and get well soon!!!
At 3:21pm on November 4, 2010, Brian McCarrie said…
Hey Bill, I saw your Garmin Connect data for the Falcon Trail. Damn, you're fast! Keep that stuff coming. I recently got a Garmin device myself. I love it.

Bill Schmeister's Blog

A different perspective for tracking activities...

As I MTB or ride my stationary or run almost every day, and while I was on Falcon Trail riding once again, I devised a new way to track my rides other than number of days or exact miles that I have ridden. I decided that I will compare my riding to real world goals...  As I ride a single speed MTB, my distances will be far shorter than those capable by any geared bike or by any road bike.  Basically, the fastest I can ride on level ground is 21mph, and that is with my feet spinning like they…


Posted on January 19, 2013 at 9:48pm

Flying with crutches...

As many of you know, I recently broke my femur mountain bike riding in Williams Canon back in January (and had to be rescued by EPCSAR - http://www.epcsar.org).  Well, the real world is setting in and I need to get back to work and traveling.  I (and my family) have done quite a bit of traveling and I am working on a blog while I have limited mobility and my experiences at different airports and airlines while traveling with crutches.  Feel free to check…


Posted on February 17, 2011 at 9:42am

Travel experience site

Hey all, I am a travel and biking hound (I get grumpy if I don't ride nearly every day) and wanted to share any travel advice and experiences that I can with the community.

Check out our site: http://www.schmeister.com/BMZTravels/

We have spent significant time in Europe and various locations within North America. If you are looking for a place to go or some advice on what to do while there, we have done the planning many… Continue

Posted on August 11, 2010 at 1:26pm

Can't scream loud enough

What a great ride I had... Started at the Bear Creek Dog park and rode the Ascent Cycling Series trails up to Gold Camp. From there, I rode up Gold Camp to High Drive and up to the Captn Jacks. Totally bombed down Jacks (crash free), then some high speed road back down Gold Camp, then exited onto Bear Creek Terrace for more high speed downhill single track.

I can't scream loud enough how great a ride that is.

I just need to replace my GPS so I can map these out and time myself… Continue

Posted on August 6, 2010 at 2:03pm — 1 Comment


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