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All Blog Posts (1,587)

Race Reports - USA Pro Cycling Challenge Ancillary Events

Last weekend I put away my triathlete shoes for a couple days and played the part of a bike racer. With the USA Pro Cycling Challenge in town there were several 'ancillary events' and as I was swept up in the excitement, I signed up for two of…


Added by Nicole Odell on August 29, 2011 at 8:19pm — 1 Comment

Phantom Menacing Pain and the Great Salt Lick: A Pikes Peak Marathon Race Report

     First off I want to sincerely thank Tim Bergsten and Brian McCarrie from PikesPeakSports.us, Ron Ilgen from the Triple Crown of Running, and Colorado Sports and Spine Centers for sponsoring some fantastic running experiences this summer. Last weekend topped it all off with a couple of the most memorable days I've had since living in the Springs. But like a lot of fantastic memories, it didn't begin, or end, quite the way I expected. In fact, when I woke Saturday morning, I was doubtful…


Added by Brandon Stapanowich on August 28, 2011 at 11:30am — 5 Comments

ROLL 2011 "Lucky #7" OPENS TONIGHT!

Longmont Chimes in for ROLL 2011

  The City of Longmont is a great place to race.  With a well developed trails system, a thriving art community, and an active cycling community, it's the home of the Longmont Twin Peaks Tri.  The longest running triathlon in the United States, Twin Peaks hosted its first tri in 1980.

  Lauren Greenfield, the Director of Art In Public Places (AIPP) for the City of Longmont, has coordinated with ROLL in 2011.  Longmont youth do not have access… Continue

Added by Amy Seltzer on August 26, 2011 at 11:28am — No Comments

Elevation Athletics Weekly Training Blog

Now that Leadville and Pikes Peak races have passed I have had the question of how to feel better racing at altitude proposed to me a couple of times.  The easiest answer to this is to train a lot at high altitude, so if you are doing Pikes Peak train at over 12,500 as much as humanly possible.  For those trying to balance a family, job, house, etc. that is easier said than…


Added by Elevationathletics.org on August 25, 2011 at 9:47pm — No Comments

Time Trial from the photos of UpaDowna.com

It was a beautiful day in Colorado Springs. The atmosphere was electric with excitement. The stage was set for the first ever Inaugural USA Pro Cycling Challenge. 130 riders started down the Garden of the Gods at 1:15pm MST at 1-2 minutes apart, with the last rider, 2011 Tour…


Added by Randi Hitchcock on August 23, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

ProCyling Challenge

What a great dat for Colorado springs and Cycling! Wondered where you had posted yourself Tim. Tough decision, but I opted for mile 4, shade and a chair. Oh, and a Nikon motor drive. Got some Great Shots of Schleck, Zabriskie, Levi and Evans. Will forward them onto the site once I get them uploaded, and filed. Even panning with motor drive at 400th\sec, they were still challenging to catch!

Added by Lynne Fonda on August 23, 2011 at 7:37am — No Comments

oh well

Started out great. Caught in traffic on W's.

Passed woman getting ill on side of trail.

Stayed with her until her friends caught up.

Missed cut off by nine minutes.

Decided might try continue as civilian. Rescue volunteer cautioned not to due to storm issues.

Turned back at A-frame once again.

Next year.

Added by Alexis Smith on August 21, 2011 at 10:35am — 1 Comment

Former Couch Potato Hikes Purple Mountain Majesty

Ever since I visited Colorado Springs in the late 70's during a cross-country road trip with my family, I've had a deep respect for Pikes Peak.  My dad towed our 28-ft. trailer up Pikes Peak Highway in the middle of July, and when we reached the summit, we were greeted with a hail storm and had a snowball battle while running around in shorts and flip flops.  In 1996,…


Added by Stephanie Merchant Johnson on August 21, 2011 at 12:30am — No Comments


I:  Fat Black Cat

     4:45 am.  Street lamps and daybreak's dim colorless glow were my only sources of light for the first three miles.  Jogging through the neighborhood, my limited vision then revealed a fat black cat crossing my path, but barely a second after I spat he went and crossed again.  I spat again.  Superstition never played a big part in my daily runs, but that morning I felt a certain duty to spit.  I then drank some water out of my camelback.  Who would have thought…


Added by Keeler North on August 20, 2011 at 7:47am — No Comments


Ready. Set. Go!

Everything is laid out. Can't read another word from Matt's book.

Its time to do it.

The path goes up. I will go up.


In my minds eye I have already won.

Tomorrow is the affirmation.

Added by Alexis Smith on August 19, 2011 at 8:23pm — No Comments

Elevation Athletics Weekly Training Blog

For many on this web page, some of my clients, and many friends it is almost race day.  For others race day or your big event is not far off.  I would like to wish the best of luck to all, no matter what your adventure is.  One of the things I like best about being a personal trainer and working with sports conditioning clients is that the people that tackle these type of…


Added by Elevationathletics.org on August 18, 2011 at 8:48pm — 1 Comment

A brief note

 Have spent some time looking at Pikes Peak and been enjoying reading everyone's great posts about getting to the top (and back if that's their race) . Some moments have also been spent reflecting on The Ascent, 2008, getting so close, and having to go back down because the weather was creating terrible conditions on top. (it was a longer run, I was turned around at the A- frame.) My gear is ready, clothes set aside, race day check list complete. A little anxious about parking, sleep, and,…


Added by Alexis Smith on August 18, 2011 at 3:44pm — No Comments

Zoom in Zoom out

I was reminded of a journalistic technique some wise old editor tried to teach me back when I was a pup writing for newspapers and magazines: zoom in, zoom out. Changing the focus on a story gives readers a different perspective. As I was finishing a short run to the top of the W's yesterday, I stood there looking out at the Garden of the Gods far below. Then I looked at the granite boulder right in front of me. Both were beautiful in different ways. The contrasting sandstone of the Gardent…


Added by Aaron Atwood on August 18, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

A surprising win

PikesPeakSports.us Triple Crown Runners race team member Jen Shotwell and Triple Crown of Running race director Ron Ilgen at the Paint Mines 6L Trail Run in Calhan.

To say the outcome of the Paint mines 6k trail run in Calhan was a surprise is an understatement.  I truly didn’t have any expectations other than get a good run in on a new to me…


Added by Jennifer Shotwell on August 17, 2011 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments


THE MONEY IS IN THE BANK…don’t cash any in until Saturday! 


Terrific advice on the dreaded taper from my good friend Michelle.  With just five days to go until the start of the Pikes Peak Ascent/Marathon doubler weekend I am scared to death.  I won’t lie.  Today is a “rest” day…I’m not a big fan of tapering, it makes me feel lazy and I am sure if I don’t run today or if I only run a few miles that all of the training I have…


Added by Amy (Arcuri) Perez on August 15, 2011 at 10:00pm — 5 Comments

(3) 2-1...The Final Countdown

     It's funny how the little things like an article or a picture, casually discovered in a magazine, can impact your life years later. Quite a while back, when I was still in North Carolina, I recall searching for the next great running challenge and happened upon an article about the Pikes Peak Marathon in Runner's World. Here are a couple memorable highlights from that write…


Added by Brandon Stapanowich on August 15, 2011 at 8:00am — 3 Comments

Sub Four Hours Looks Tough

Ran up to the top of Pikes Peak last weekend. Took about 4:30. My goal is a sub 4 hour trek. It's looking tough right now. My new friend Howard says, "Think of the Ascent as the world's toughest 5K."


What? "5K?" I asked shocked.


"Yep, but it takes about 10 miles to get to the starting line (treeline)," he said slyly.


Well, if I walk to treeline at about a 20 minute mile... that's 3 hours and 20 minutes. I just have the run the last three miles…


Added by Aaron Atwood on August 11, 2011 at 9:13pm — 1 Comment

"I Just Felt Like Running"

     So chances are if you are reading this, you have at the very least some superficial interest in running (at most a sick obsession like myself). So if I were to ask you to list some runners that inspire, Scott Jurek, Yiannis Kouros, Usain Bolt, Paula Radcliffe, or even Matt Carpenter may be on your list. For me though, there is one runner who surpasses all of these great athletes. Though he holds no distance or speed records, an Academy Award winning film and a New York Times Bestselling…


Added by Brandon Stapanowich on August 11, 2011 at 8:30pm — 7 Comments

This is...it!

 Its beeen a great few weeks . Spent a lot of time on trails. Each day has found me spending at least a few hours on a trail.  Trails on Pikes, going up, coming down, going up...., trails in the canons, trails in the parks. Ran into a few friendly faces, some known (Brandon, Aaron, Amy) and some just breezing by me, often sharing smiles, words of encouragement, or pats to the dog.  I enjoy the trail . Quiet engaged movement, with the dog trotting, running, and casually peering down at me…


Added by Alexis Smith on August 11, 2011 at 2:00pm — No Comments

What do babysitters have to do with trail running?

I am extremely fortunate to be surrounded by so many people that I am confident under any circumstance would do just about anything for me.  I am even more fortunate that so many of them share my love of early morning trail runs for nothing more than the enjoyment of getting out there, putting one foot in front of the other and sharing a bit more of their lives with each…


Added by Amy (Arcuri) Perez on August 7, 2011 at 9:30pm — No Comments

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