
Tim Bergsten created this Ning Network.

 Its beeen a great few weeks . Spent a lot of time on trails. Each day has found me spending at least a few hours on a trail.  Trails on Pikes, going up, coming down, going up...., trails in the canons, trails in the parks. Ran into a few friendly faces, some known (Brandon, Aaron, Amy) and some just breezing by me, often sharing smiles, words of encouragement, or pats to the dog.  I enjoy the trail . Quiet engaged movement, with the dog trotting, running, and casually peering down at me from some rock perch.

The Ascent is a little over a week away. I am visualizing the day, hoping its better weather than my last attempt (2008) . Feeling excited and apprehensive and slower than most any one else who will be going up that day. Except the 'slower' doesn't matter anymore. I am showing up to run my race. My best. We are each an experiment of one. I've trained and prepared for what I can do. I am happy and proud of the work I've done.  Its been hard for me to let go of 'what might have been' and accept 'this is' .  Yet living in 'this is' is freeing and joyful.  This is who I am. This is the best I can do. This is a great day to go run a trail. This is a great day to fall on a trail and get up. This is a part of the trail you can only power walk on.  This is a moment to focus on forward purposeful motion and forget about time.This is a beautiful day. This is  a slice of life resonating with hope and laughter .

Nine days from now I will line up at the start for the Ascent. You'll find me near the back of the pack .  As we all move down the street to begin going up, I will be smiling. Hopefully at the end of the Golden Stairs, I will find that same smile.  This is the life I get, and I am living it to the fullest I can. This is a gift.  Namaste

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