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All Blog Posts (1,587)

Finding Joy in Mudville

I went for a run this morning in my new Mighty Marmot PikespeakSports.us shirt and I was not struck by lightning! Tim and company made a great selection of a wide variety of runners all dedicated to running the Triple Crown series. Make sure to read their blogs. I just did and learned from them.

While jumping over puddles and trying to avoid the muddier sections of trail in Monument Valley Park I passed a fellow runner near…


Added by Phil Goulding on May 21, 2015 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Stand For Something!

As a Georgia girl, I certainly enjoy my share of country music. One song that always sticks in my mind is by Aaron Tippin who sings, “You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.” Released in 1991, it became an anthem for Gulf War soldiers who were looking for purpose and meaning during a mission…


Added by Vanessa Shawver on May 21, 2015 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Exercising when sick

So you’ve stuck to your New Years resolution to take better care of yourself. You’re feeling great, hitting your goals, and are finally seeing results…. then you get struck with an illness! Whether it is a cold, flu, or another illness, this will definitely put a thorn in your routine. But should you stop…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on May 21, 2015 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Exercising when sick

So you’ve stuck to your New Years resolution to take better care of yourself. You’re feeling great, hitting your goals, and are finally seeing results…. then you get struck with an illness! Whether it is a cold, flu, or another illness, this will definitely put a thorn in your routine. But should you stop exercising when sick? As physical therapists we get this question on a regular basis…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on May 21, 2015 at 2:30pm — No Comments

The Little Runner Who Could

Let's be clear, I'm a cyclist. An avid mountain biker with respectable technical skills who's logged thousands of miles stomping pedals and for three years on only one gear. I remember when I switched from gears to single speed and suddenly became identified as one of *those* crazy single speeders. I loved the…


Added by Sarah Musick on May 20, 2015 at 4:00pm — 9 Comments

Back For More!

Great news! I made the PikesPeakSports.us Triple Crown Runner team AGAIN! After wearing the esteemed Purple and Gold for the 2013 team, I’m back for more, even though I swore after the Pikes Peak Ascent that I would NEVER do that race again. (However, I also once said I’d never get married, never have kids and never…

Added by Vanessa Shawver on May 20, 2015 at 5:30am — 1 Comment

This week at JQRC 12MAY15

This week at Jack Quinn's

- Boulder Running Company with  Nunn

- Pikes Peak Ascent/Marathon Triple Crown of Running…


Added by Michael Yowell on May 10, 2015 at 6:45pm — No Comments

My 32 mile journey from the Cactus in Alamogordo to the Clouds in Cloudcroft

     Well, I haven’t blogged since my PikesPeakSports.us team days, but I wanted to write up a race report for the Cactus to Cloud 50Krace I did this weekend in New Mexico. First off I have to say, that one of my favorite things about trail running is travelling to places I have never been, run some great new trails and meet the local trail…


Added by Don Solberg on May 6, 2015 at 9:32pm — No Comments

This week at JQRC 05 May

Happy Star Wars Day (May the fourth be with you) and Cinco de Mayo!


This week at Jack Quinn's…


Added by Michael Yowell on May 3, 2015 at 7:03pm — No Comments

This week at Jack Quinn's Running Club 28APR2015

Hey PPS friends. One thing JQRC really needs is a social media person. Think about it and talk with our runners, I’m sure we can find someone to handle this for us. Let me know if you're interested.


This week at…


Added by Michael Yowell on April 26, 2015 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

This week at JQRC 21 April

BOSTON STRONG…wishing all our fellow runners a great race this year.


This week at Jack Quinn's

- Boulder Running Company with Power Bar

- Hope…


Added by Michael Yowell on April 19, 2015 at 5:28pm — No Comments

Specialization in Youth Sports: A Dangerous Game.

As an Athletic Trainer that has spent the better part of his career in the professional sports arena I am often times asked by well meaning parents what they can do to help their kid prevent injuries and get better at their chosen sport. They often times are taken by surprise when my answer is to give them the necessary rest and recovery period their bodies need to heal and…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on April 9, 2015 at 3:30pm — No Comments

This week at JQRC 07APR2015

This week at Jack Quinn's (Tables 1-5 upstairs and one downstairs)

- Boulder Running Company with Montrail and Tonia's Run

- CC…


Added by Michael Yowell on April 6, 2015 at 8:02pm — No Comments

Sometimes Running

     Sometimes running is just running. It's a task to be checked off on the list of daily "have to's." Maybe it's chronicled and simplified into some combination of numbers on our log. Maybe it isn't.  It's a part of our routine. Nothing more, but certainly nothing less. Something as natural as breathing.

     Sometimes running is a struggle. It's the last thing we want to do. Something we don't have time for. Something we don't have energy for. Something we despise.…


Added by Brandon Stapanowich on March 24, 2015 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Practical Strength Training and Stretching Tips to Help You Prevent Pain and Injury on the Slopes: Part 2

Now that ski season is nearly over, you may be wondering why we’re posting the second part of this blog.  Well, as PTs we figure it’s never too late to teach folks how to avoid pain and injury—and by now you may have discovered that a full day of skiing or boarding is leaving you with some aches and pains as you start your Monday morning.  So, that makes you a particularly captive audience!  Training (before you ski/board) and Recovery (during the day and before you get in your car to drive…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on March 24, 2015 at 1:42pm — No Comments

Ryan Hall and Why I Quit Letsrun and You Should Too Part Two

I thought I had articulated my thoughts on the harsh critics and pessimistic nay-sayers of our sport in the previous post, but after watching LA unfold last week and, namely, the subsequent crucifixion of Ryan Hall for another DNF, I decided that I have more to add to the conversation. Er, more to add to the one-sided conversation.

I should start by saying everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, so all of my friends who I make an example of herein, I still heart you, I just…


Added by Shannon Payne on March 21, 2015 at 5:17pm — No Comments

Haters Gonna Hate

You know, I was feeling really proud of myself for the last several months. It was a long time coming, this seven months of “sobriety” so to speak, but it finally happened: I had finally reached my personal longstanding goal of not reading Letsrun.com for over HALF A YEAR!

*Virtual fist-bump.*

It was a necessary change. It was, in short,…


Added by Shannon Payne on March 21, 2015 at 5:13pm — No Comments

PikesPeakSport.us Triple Crown Runners

So you've already registered for the Ascent or Marathon and you're just dying to fill up the rest of your summer race calendar, right? Check out the Triple Crown of Running, which includes the Garden of the Gods 10 Mile and Summer Roundup Trail 12K in addition to the Ascent or Marathon. Not only are the races themselves great training opportunities for the big day on the mountain; when you sign up for the series you also have a chance to apply to run for the PikesPeakSport.us Triple Crown of…


Added by Pikes Peak Ascent and Marathon on March 19, 2015 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Running to Beat Pancreatic Cancer

In 2013, I was a healthy 44 year old married mother of two. I ran my first 100 mile race that summer, finishing in 22 hours and 33 minutes. I went on to run a 100K three months later. Seven weeks after that 100K race, I was in the hospital having half of my pancreas, my spleen and several lymph nodes removed. The diagnosis: Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma.

In a heartbeat, I went from being one of the healthiest people I knew to being diagnosed with a highly lethal form of cancer. Pancreatic…


Added by Tonia Smith on March 19, 2015 at 6:30am — No Comments

Moab Red Hot 55k - way late race report

I figured I would dust off the ol' blog to write a little about my first ultramarathon. I ran the Moab Red Hot 55k in Utah on February 14, 2015. 

I know I've written about them before, but I would be half the runner I am today without the help of the Attack Pack Running Group. They are always game for a…


Added by Katie Benzel on March 16, 2015 at 5:30pm — No Comments

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