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All Blog Posts (1,587)

Tour de Cure Ride Report!

getting ready to start in my Stomach of…

Added by Nicole Odell on May 17, 2011 at 9:50am — No Comments

The unset finish line...

I wanted to name this post DNF.  I have been crafting these words in my head since Sunday at 9:24AM EST and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that true as it may be it is just too negative for this girl. 

Sunday, I toed the line at 8AM EST in Pocono Lake, PA.  Trained, hydrated, rested (relative term), fueled, nervous and…


Added by Amy (Arcuri) Perez on May 16, 2011 at 10:00pm — 5 Comments

The Difference a Team Makes

Saturday I ran at the Garden of the Gods as part of a team. It was good. Being part of a team makes running better.


I'm very blessed to have been selected to be part of the Pikes Peak Sports.US Triple Crown of Running Team. When Tim Bergsten was putting the details of the team concept together, a few local running coaches offered to help those of us that were…


Added by Aaron Atwood on May 16, 2011 at 1:42pm — No Comments

The usual suspects...

It would be impossible to talk about running, training, racing, early mornings, clown shoe contests, achievements, challenges, strengths or weaknesses without first delving into the “usual suspects”.  The trusty companions that make my mornings brighter, push me beyond what I ever thought possible, make a two or three hour run seem like 20 minutes and fully understand that there is no greater way to bring people together than a bit of healthy suffering.  My Mom was a huge fan of Miss Manners…


Added by Amy (Arcuri) Perez on May 16, 2011 at 1:00am — 2 Comments

Colorado weather (you like it or not)

So in the last week I've managed to run in about every condition the sky can offer. Up to Barr camp last Saturday with an early AM run in shorts, T shirt and lots of sun screen. One early week day ran with some snow and wind, and this mornings run in GOG was a misty kind of rain. Got to love Colorado weather.

Going up to Barr camp was a reminder of how beautiful a day could be- blue sky, a bit of a breeze, and not too many people on the trail. Trotting up, with the dog doing laps back…


Added by Alexis Smith on May 15, 2011 at 12:05pm — 1 Comment

Riding with WMBA

By: MtnMama of www.upadowna.com

What does 30 women, sweet sticky single track, and hot bikes equal? The first  Women's Mountain Biking Association of COS group ride of 2011, that's what!

The first ride was held at RROS (Red…


Added by Randi Hitchcock on May 13, 2011 at 7:27pm — 3 Comments

A First Time for Everything........

To follow up on the above caption, it should be mentioned that this is my first attempt at any type of "social networking",

so, please bear with......


First off, a somewhat expanded bio - started running and racing 35 years ago (at age 43) and did 5K-10mile road races for the first few years (actually for over a decade!) training regularly with he Buffalo Chips R.C. in Sacramento, CA.  At the time, I thought that anyone that ran farther was out of their mind!  In 1989…


Added by Lee Rhodes on May 13, 2011 at 2:23pm — 4 Comments

Elevation Athletics Weekly Training Blog

As an athlete do you want to be able to go faster, improve your results in a race, or see your performance go to the next level?  If so, you need to add speed-work to your training regimen.  Speed-work, interval training, or anaerobic energy system training are basically the same thing.  The idea behind these forms of training is to improve your body's physiological response…


Added by Elevationathletics.org on May 12, 2011 at 11:03pm — No Comments

ROLL 2011 "Lucky #7" Call for Artists



The Business of Art Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is hosting a juried national exhibition of artwork for the 7th ANNUAL ROLL BIKE EXHIBITION, an exhibition of artwork in all mediums and concerning any themes around bikes and bike life.  This year’s theme is "Lucky #7."

Exhibition dates:  Aug. 19 – Oct. 2, 2011. 

Opening Reception:  Friday, Aug. 26, 5 - 9 PM.


This exhibit will explore themes…


Added by Amy Seltzer on May 11, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments

CROSS-TRAINING: "They say if you love some running, then you have got to set it free..."

     Okay, so its possible I my have fudged that quote just a little, but its true nevertheless. And in this week's blog, "setting running free" is my euphemism for CROSS-TRAINING. 

     I've never been real good with goodbyes. In fact, I have a distinct memory of childhood me stowing away in the trunk of the family van while my parents packed up to leave my grandparents' house. "If they can't find me, they won't leave. We'll get to stay with grammy and gramps forever!" Upon being…


Added by Brandon Stapanowich on May 11, 2011 at 10:00pm — 5 Comments

Keeping Track of Time

I posted the first of what I hope will be many videos last night. It's funny, I thought it was 6:30; it was more like 8:30. I'm happy with my pace but am feeling it a bit today.


I have Coach Chris Bittinger helping me work on a plan.


My goal is to knock out the Garden of the Gods 10 Mile in less than 9:00/mile so that I can get into the first wave of the…


Added by Aaron Atwood on May 11, 2011 at 12:02pm — 1 Comment

ROLL 2011 Shirts for Flirts

"Lucky #7" Shirts for Flirts!

  ROLL 2011 Hoodies and Tees are in local bike shops NOW!  These stylish ROLL shirts are on Pre-Sale just in time for your suitcase, backpack, or front porch!  The first order of ROLL Organic Rolled Cotton gear are priced to sell at $30 for hoodies and $20 for tees.  Stop by The Hub at Union and Palmer Park to buy yours while they last! 

  After the Pre-Sale shirts are gone, local bike shops will be taking orders

for custom hoodies and tees… Continue

Added by Amy Seltzer on May 10, 2011 at 11:30pm — No Comments

2011 goals

This is it...this is the year I start working to be fast like I used to. The last few years I had been working a difficult job that required overnight hours. Needless to say, physical activity was hard to keep up because I was asleep most of the days. The job ( I was a mental health/ drug and alcohol counselor) was rewarding and I helped a lot of people through their darkest days, but being in inpatient treatment left me feeling burnt out. I am in the process of rethinking what I want to do…


Added by Andrew Shotwell on May 10, 2011 at 3:43pm — No Comments

Staying Focused

I am really good at registering for races.  I mean REALLY good.  Running is playtime with my friends.  Often before the sun comes up I get to spend hours with anywhere from one to ten amazingly talented and incredibly entertaining runners.  So when one of them sends me a link to a run that’s new to me or looks like fun I find it really difficult to say no.  In fact, unless I already have a race that day I don’t say no.  The problem with that is often the training is quite different and…


Added by Amy (Arcuri) Perez on May 8, 2011 at 8:30pm — 10 Comments

While at Garden of the Gods


Somewhere during the eight miles at Garden of the Gods I decided I didn't like how my shoe was tied.

My right shoe, to be exact. It seemed to put pressure on some small bone that I never paid much attention to until today.

I kept running, wiggled my foot to see if it would alleviate the issue, and contemplated my options. Stop and retie, keep going and suck it in, keep wiggleing and adjusting my footplant to see if i could avoid stopping. I'm not fond of blisters, and…


Added by Alexis Smith on May 5, 2011 at 12:39pm — No Comments

Be Here Now: A Lesson from the Garden of the Gods

     Be Here Now. Its a mantra that crept its way into my head after listening to a Mason Jennings song years ago. Since then, I've also been periodically reminded of this exact phrase in the not-so-routine yoga classes that I frequent. At first glance, its a simple idea. However consistent application, like Othello (a board game I grew up playing with my brother) "takes a minute to learn, a lifetime to master." At times, my stream of consciousness at work seems to align most closely with…


Added by Brandon Stapanowich on May 4, 2011 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments

Tour of the Gila 2011

Just back from the Tour of the Gila.

This was a great race, well staffed and

well organized.  Not to mention they had

plenty of porta-potties located in various

locations.  I volunteered at the Crit on

Saturday in downtown Silver City.  Check…


Added by Amy Seltzer on May 4, 2011 at 11:22am — No Comments

40 Days and Counting

Forty days.

It's almost biblical in tone. In 40 days I'll be standing in a throng of people wondering if there Reese's Cup station somehwere along the Garden of the Gods 10 Mile Run. It's the first in the Triple Crown of Running series that culminates in the Pikes Peak Ascent/Marathon.


"Why are you doing this?" my wife…


Added by Aaron Atwood on May 3, 2011 at 3:53pm — 3 Comments

I'm Halfway There!

The owners of Boulder Running Company threw a "Halfway Mark" party for the Women's FIT Team this past Friday.  I passed up an Artwalk at Cottonwood, a fundraising banquet for Northern Churches Care, and an Art Auction Dinner for the Alzheimer's Association to go hang out with my fellow runners.  It's so hard to believe we're halfway there already!


I was able…


Added by Stephanie Merchant Johnson on May 2, 2011 at 10:00pm — No Comments

The Accidental Ten-Miler

As I get more fitness-oriented, I'm always looking for new ways to incorporate exercise into my daily regimen.  I recently dusted off my bicycle, bought some new gear for it, and am using in on my cross-training days.  However, with the price of gas these days, I decided I'd start riding my bike to work and got permission from my boss to park my bike in our warehouse on days I feel motivated to ride.


I'll be biking along the Pikes Peak Greenway in the…


Added by Stephanie Merchant Johnson on May 2, 2011 at 7:41pm — No Comments

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