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Incline Decline

It's no secret, since the February 2013 legalization of the Manitou Springs Incline, many changes have occurred. The first and most noticeable was that you have to pay to park everywhere, which can cost anywhere…


Added by Randi Hitchcock on August 15, 2013 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Ready or Not...

Polite inquiries. Well-intended advice. Wrestling with important questions like "Have I prepared enough?" and "How much tapering should I do?"

Yes, the Pikes Peak Ascent and Marathon are less than a week away and all these things abound.

I know the answers differ for every runner, but for me they are as follows:

I am nervous. I am underprepared. And tapering? Taper from what?…


Added by Kristy Milligan on August 13, 2013 at 8:39am — 2 Comments

Beaver Creek Half Marathon Review

As a side note to a recent family vacation, I spontaneously decided to run the Beaver Creek Half Marathon.  Not necessarily because I love races, but because I realized that in one week I’m expected to complete the Pikes Peak Ascent and my training runs have fallen grotesquely short on both distance and difficulty.  This race boasted one of the most beautiful courses in the Endurance Race Series at an altitude of approximately 8,000 feet and a total of 1,400 feet of climbing. On a whim, I…


Added by Vanessa Shawver on August 12, 2013 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

PPA/M volunteers still needed

“The Pikes Peak Ascent and Marathon still need volunteers and they know that Jack Quinn Running Club members are up to the challenge! Every JQRC member who volunteers will receive TWO (YES TWO!!!) run credits for each day they volunteer.  FOR THE ASCENT (Saturday 17AUG) we need at least FIVE JQRC  volunteers to work on the summit of Pikes Peak (sweat check, finisher medals, etc.) AND FIVE JQRC volunteers to be course marshals from tree line to the summit of Pikes Peak. FOR THE MARATHON…


Added by Michael Yowell on August 8, 2013 at 11:02pm — No Comments

It's Taper Time!

Tapering – it’s something some runners love, possibly a magical world filled with rainbows and chocolate and ice cream off in the distance dreamed of during long runs in the bulk of training, or something runners hate, loving every single step of their last long run before the dreaded period known as the ‘taper’.

While I know plenty of people that covet the taper, counting down the days towards its commencement, I am of the opposite party – I (hmm not quite hate, but let’s go with it)…


Added by Megan Kunkel on August 7, 2013 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Taper or Not to Taper?

Normally I would probably start tapering at about this point.  This year, however, hasn’t been a “normal” training year and I don't feel like I've put in the work as in years past.  Two weeks to go until the Pikes Peak Ascent and Marathon (yes, the Double) and I have yet to get above Barr Camp.  It's probably too little too late, but decided to drive up to the summit to get in a 3-2-1 today.  We knew the Peak did get some snow yesterday evening, but much to our surprise we found an ice rink…


Added by David Mulligan on August 4, 2013 at 5:23pm — 7 Comments

Pain....It Does Not Discriminate

After having such a blast at the 12K Summer Roundup, I took heed to one of my previous blogs and allowed myself to recover appropriately. It was about ten (10) days with no physical activity because of illness. I did not panic knowing the Pikes Peak Accent was five (5) weeks away at that time. So on my first day back after suffering from those bad allergies I told myself "Just Build Your Base!".

My goal was to run the stairs at my place of work on Schriever AFB. Stair running has been…


Added by Melvin Watson on August 2, 2013 at 9:27pm — 6 Comments

This is only the beginning

This is not a race report. There is nothing about my race, my tactics or how I felt riding my bike. This is a reflection of the series and how having something as simple seeming as the Ascent Cycling Series can become the focus of the summer. It's also about development as a rider - both in skills and confidence.

There's something fun about racing a series. It's more then just go out and suffer one time, then done. There are second chances to make up for a bad race and the…


Added by Tracy Thelen on August 2, 2013 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Saying Thanks

The Ascent Cycling Series will conclude tomorrow night with one last trip around the single track of Bear Creek Terrace. The series finale is always bittersweet. On one hand, the racing is over and we can all breathe a huge sigh of relief. Done. Time to relax and chill out. No more planning schedules, leaving work early or skipping fun rides to be "fresh" for the midweek race. On the other hand, the racing is done. No more gathering on the start line with friends, ready to tear legs apart. The… Continue

Added by Tracy Thelen on July 30, 2013 at 11:39am — 1 Comment

Quito race recap: “Izquierda o derecha?”

“Izquierda o derecha?” I shrieked, pointing to my color-coded bib. Right or left?

I was at a critical point in my race in Quito, and there were three courses: marathon, half-marathon, and 8-miler – I needed to know which way to turn to complete my chosen half-marathon course.

I have no doubt that the volunteers said something to the effect of “If this is your first lap, turn right. If this is your second, turn left.”  What I heard, however, was “turn…


Added by Kristy Milligan on July 27, 2013 at 9:30am — 2 Comments

Mount Washington

I’m back east this week and had some spare time so thought I would take an excursion up to Mount Washington.  I really didn’t know a lot about the place other than it’s the Northeast’s highest peak and many of the local elite runners head there at the beginning of June each year to compete in the Mount Washington Road Race.  I now understand why they run up the auto road and not the trails!

Before heading up, I did do a little searching on the web and found some brief descriptions on…


Added by David Mulligan on July 25, 2013 at 5:56pm — 4 Comments

Push through the Pain

For years on many runs, I’ve asked myself, “WHY?” Why do I spend hours upon hours, miles upon miles working and enduring pain, frequently to come to an injury? (Knock on wood that won't happen again this year!) I started out my Pikes Peak running with that thought – why in the world am I doing this? When I could be peacefully wrapped in a dream? When I wouldn’t have to be trudging after my mom, vowing to myself that after this ‘stupid’ Ascent, I’ll never set foot on this dumb mountain…


Added by Megan Kunkel on July 24, 2013 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

The Low Country

     After big races, I've been known to go through a bit of a low spell. It seems I get focused on some event for so long that when it's over, regardless of a positive or negative outcome, doldrums hit. Fortunately, I'm not alone in this as several of my friends have expressed similar feelings of "post-partum depression for ultrarunners."…


Added by Brandon Stapanowich on July 24, 2013 at 11:30pm — 3 Comments

XTERRA Colorado Series Concludes

Most local runners are familiar with the two XTERRA events down in Cheyenne Mountain State Park, the XTERRA Marathon of Trail Races (42K/21K/5K) in the Fall each year and the XTERRA Cheyenne Mountain Trail Run (24K/12K/5K) in the Spring.  But did you know that XTERRA actually runs a trail run series nationwide?  The two CMSP races are actually part of the Colorado Series. …


Added by David Mulligan on July 23, 2013 at 5:46pm — 2 Comments

Talking to myself

Anyone who has ever followed me through a technical section has had the privilege of overhearing my method for cleaning the tricky lines. Even now, I still talk myself through everything - simple reminders to look where I want to go, breath, relax and flow. Might be annoying to everyone else, but it serves me well, especially on a course like yesterday! It doesn't matter how many times I've ridden something - I'm always repeating those phrase.  I know what I was getting into - four laps of…


Added by Tracy Thelen on July 22, 2013 at 5:32pm — No Comments


I never thought in my wildest dreams my training would ever be impacted by allergies. I thought I had a summer cold or hey fever and it felt as bad as when I had pneumonia a few years back. The impact it had on my life was shocking. It really through me for a loop.  I had to miss three days of work...yaaaay! The first sign was a sore throat and I was like wow two days…


Added by Melvin Watson on July 20, 2013 at 7:28pm — 6 Comments

Hardrock 2013

For a few tense minutes we weren't sure we would even get to Silverton for the start of Hardrock.  Shortly after leaving Old Colorado City and heading up the pass towards Woodland Park, we were greeted by a three foot wall of mud and water and sticks and rocks and other cars.  Scary stuff.  You can see my award winning documentary on the flood over here.

We were hit by another car but escaped with only minor damage.  Three…


Added by Jon Teisher on July 19, 2013 at 1:53pm — 4 Comments

Chyenne Mountain State Park

(This is a little later then I wanted and may not be as much use now. I was hoping to get it written and posted Tuesday night but had something come up.)

I am gonna do something a little different for this post. Instead of tips on racing and riding, I want to look over the course. I've heard a lot of people talking about the course and how happy they are that there is no Medicine Wheel in the race. Well, it is true that Medicine Wheel is one of the hardest trails in the park. But we…


Added by Tracy Thelen on July 18, 2013 at 1:13pm — No Comments

What a great week!

The week started off with a solid finish at…


Added by David Mulligan on July 15, 2013 at 12:00pm — 7 Comments

Trail Makeup and Staying Focused

It's bound to happen to every rider at some point in time. The mid race crash that throws you mentally. I know I've had my fair share of them - frequently crossing the line covered in dirt and dust with some blood mixed in for good measure. It doesn't happen as much as it used to, but sometimes I need the wakeup call to ride my bike smart and focus on what I'm doing.

Well, this was the wake-up call race at Palmer Park. With just me and Kelly N on the starting line for the…


Added by Tracy Thelen on July 12, 2013 at 4:13pm — No Comments

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