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*** JQRC FIELD TRIP to Thrive 15SEP15***

*** FIELD TRIP to Thrive this week  ***  They are on the Northeast corner of Centennial and Garden of the Gods.

We will NOT be at Jack Quinn's Pub this week.…


Added by Michael Yowell on September 13, 2015 at 12:41pm — No Comments

This week at JQRC 08 Sept

- Boulder Running Company

- 7th Annual Be Ovary Aware 5K Run 3K Walk (Sunday 20 Sep event date) (…


Added by Michael Yowell on September 6, 2015 at 12:43pm — No Comments

On Ambition

     I'm a a sucker for displays of ambition. For people who seek out and take on big challenges. With time, I've learned that the flavor of the particular challenge is irrelevant. It's the struggle, the hint of uncertainty, and the underlying quiet confidence, fueled by determination that matters. It's found on the faces of the starting line of the Pikes Peak Marathon. It's within a toddler taking his first staggering steps, falling frequently but unrelenting because he seeks mastery of the…


Added by Brandon Stapanowich on August 24, 2015 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Does King Kong Wear Nikes?

There are exactly 19 days to what I feel like will be my first marathon. Sure, I’ve actually done two before, but I didn’t train for either, trotted along with no regard for time and even stopped for beer at various points along the way. My best time was four hours and forty fun minutes. This time, it’s much, much different.

This time, I’ve terrifyingly publicized my goal of attempting to qualify for the Boston marathon,…


Added by Vanessa Shawver on August 24, 2015 at 4:00pm — No Comments


The Pikes Peak Ascent was everything I imagined it would be, it was challenging, rewarding and most of all fun! A few years ago I never imagine that this East Coast surfer girl would move to Colorado for her dream career in TV News, let alone train and compete in one of the toughest half marathons.



Added by Alison Mastrangelo on August 24, 2015 at 11:00am — No Comments

This week at JQRC 25 AUG 2015

This week at Jack Quinn's

- Boulder Running Company

- COS Half - Quinnian's in Training

- Waldo Waldo

- Complete Nutrition

- Thrive Table

- JQRC Merchandise Table

Added by Michael Yowell on August 23, 2015 at 12:25pm — No Comments

Volunteer Help Needed for ADTM

From my good friend Lynne Hall:

Dear world's greatest volunteers,

First, I would like to offer an ultra-marathon-sized thank you to those of you who have already signed up to volunteer for the ADT Marathon over Labor Day weekend. Nearly two hundred of you have already committed your time to this massive event. ADTM is our largest volunteer effort of the year, and it is a very worthy cause, as we share our proceeds with the Trails and Open Space…


Added by Michael Yowell on August 23, 2015 at 11:08am — No Comments

Table to Toilet

Words won't do justice to my disappointment for not toeing the start line on Saturday for my first ever Pikes Peak Ascent, a giant among giants on my list of physical accomplishments.

Here's a timeline of how I didn't get there:

Thursday, August 13th at 7:00am, 48 hours from go-time, I wrestled with the alarm and staggered to work. I actually felt like I was going to fall asleep on my very…


Added by Sarah Musick on August 17, 2015 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

Tales from the Mountain: Sweat, Blood and Stale Beer

After bagging my second Pikes Peak Ascent this weekend, I find myself in a familiar predicament where I walk around swearing that I will NEVER do that race again. Not because it was particularly bad (I actually even had a little bit of fun), but purely because I’m reminded how…


Added by Vanessa Shawver on August 17, 2015 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Tomorrow's Ascent Inspiration Brought to You By Beautiful Naked Man

I won't bore you with the details of how I feel because by 7:30am tomorrow that won't matter. I will say I have a couple of key means of inspiration demonstrated below:

Meet Beautiful Naked Man!

Tomorrow as I "run" I'll think of him in all his splendor and certainly "run" faster.…


Added by Sarah Musick on August 14, 2015 at 2:30pm — No Comments

This is real, the Pikes Peak Ascent is almost here

In just few days, all of my training will be put to the test. I could sit here and reflect on all of my training, but that won’t change a thing. A lot of people ask me if I feel ready, and I say ask me on Saturday after I am done the race.


I have to say, I almost wish the race were now; I am way to excited and just want to run it and finish it! Since…


Added by Alison Mastrangelo on August 12, 2015 at 8:56pm — No Comments

Ok, Let's Run

Ok, let’s run, but first, lest I forget in my oxygen deprived state on the Mountain, I always want to thank the volunteers on the course, and I’ll do that now, just to make sure. “Volunteers, you are the heart and soul of these races.” I don’t know any runners who would disagree with me. No matter how much training I’ve done, I would not have a good race without the encouragement from the volunteers. The aid supplied is nice, but the smiles, whoops, and “Go Phil” are my staple diet for the…


Added by Phil Goulding on August 12, 2015 at 3:33pm — 1 Comment

Let's Do the Damn Thing!

DUNT, DUNT, DUUUUUN….race week well upon us! At this point I am ready to just DO IT! I am quite frankly tired of feeling anxious about it! This past weekend I had a phenomenal time at the Ragnar Relay with 11 of my new BFFs running from Copper Mountain to Snowmass. The scenery and comradery was unprecedented and is helping me to carry me through this week with an eerie calmness. I am reflecting on what a great time I had, rather than being nervous about what lies ahead.…


Added by Sheva Willoughby on August 12, 2015 at 9:51am — No Comments

Run Fest 13AUG15

Fellow PP Sports members....it's a very busy week with the 60th Pikes Peak Ascent/Marathon kicking off Pikes Peak Run Fest (http://www.pikespeakmarathon.org/RunFest.shtml) this Thursday celebrating 60 years of running in the Pikes Peak Region from 5 to 8 pm at Pioneers…


Added by Michael Yowell on August 11, 2015 at 7:17pm — No Comments

Race Week!! Pikes Peak Ascent and my plan.

Race week is finally here! I’m excited to see what all this training yields on Saturday when I race the Ascent. This will be my 8th attempt in either the Pikes Peak Marathon or Ascent. I’ve had less than stellar results in the past. I was never able to race to my level of fitness during the first 6 attempts before finally having a breakthrough in attempt #7. As a…


Added by Neal Oseland on August 10, 2015 at 10:32am — No Comments

This week at JQRC 11AUG15

A very busy week with the 60th Pikes Peak Ascent/Marathon kicking off Pikes Peak Run Fest (http://www.pikespeakmarathon.org/RunFest.shtml) this Thursday celebrating 60 years of running in the Pikes Peak Region from 5 to 8 pm at Pioneers Museum Park with bands,…


Added by Michael Yowell on August 9, 2015 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Race Week

One Week to go! It's taper time. Which means that I really start to get anxious about what is to come. This will be the fourth straight year I line up on the weekend for one of the races. This year will be different because they all have been in the past. I hope to have a good run, but more importantly I will appreciate the fact that I am out there for another…


Added by Mark Zandarski on August 8, 2015 at 1:55pm — No Comments

My Manitou Internship-Pikes Peak Ascent Training

I recently came back to work after 4 GLORIOUS weeks off. My family and I go anywhere during this time but enjoyed the Pikes Peak region and all that it provides. Most of my family tends to be the sleeping in type so this provided me some extra opportunities to travel for some of my runs in the early mornings. I found myself in Manitou Springs….a lot. I love this little town and it was a perfect place to be as I'm training for the Pikes Peak Ascent and the Run Rabbit Run 100 miler. In my…


Added by Neal Oseland on August 5, 2015 at 3:48pm — No Comments

Hey Fatty, You Want Gravy with That Beer?

I had really hoped I wouldn't be the case study of "How Not To Prepare for the Ascent" and I even want to think I'm not. But, I'm ever so near the edge on this one. Not only have I enjoyed two low mileage vacations (see photo of me sitting, not running), I've also gotten sick enough to go to the doctor (which I NEVER do) and took longer to recover than I expected. …


Added by Sarah Musick on August 5, 2015 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Challenging to the end

This was a fitting close to the 2015 Ascent Cycling series. A return to Palmer Park and one of the more challenging courses we have faced. Changing things up in a good way! I decided to ride over to Palmer Park this time - it would only take a little longer then driving and I wouldn't need the extra time for a warm up. I climbed up to the race course and got on, heading the direction we normally race. Only we weren't going that direction! Awesome! Something different, which meant I needed to…


Added by Tracy Thelen on August 4, 2015 at 4:05pm — No Comments

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