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All Blog Posts (1,587)

Rocky Mountain High for Runners

Six in the morning sure comes early on a Saturday, but I guess that's the price I pay for being part of a running training team.  Small price, especially since this first-time-runner has no idea what she's doing and needs all the help she can get.  That's not to say I haven't overslept a time or two, but I'm looking forward to getting my Saturday mornings back.


So far, our women's team has trained on the Austin Bluffs Trail (I ran/walked 3 miles our first week) behind Boulder…


Added by Stephanie Merchant Johnson on May 2, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments

More Than Just a Number

When deciding if a project has been a success, most people often ask for the numbers: 


What is your control? 

What is the end result? 

Are those the results we're looking for? 

How can we improve the numbers? 


Based on what direction the project was designed to go, the bigger the difference between the starting point to the…


Added by Stephanie Merchant Johnson on May 1, 2011 at 11:30pm — No Comments

All the Difference in the World

April 10, 2011, signaled a huge accomplishment for me:  it was the one-year-anniversary that I joined Weight Watchers and started down the road of my new Fitness Journey.  The day gave me a chance to analyze the past 12 months, and not just in terms of a number on the scale.  In the past, I usually quit after I reached a certain amount of weight or specific length of time…


Added by Stephanie Merchant Johnson on May 1, 2011 at 4:00pm — No Comments

unfinished business


Moving along the trails behind the resevoir I follow my mini Aussie. He scrambles back and forth, impatient with my slow pace, but ready to humor me if it means we get to run where he can be off leash. He is a great running companion. I get to think my thoughts and enjoy the trails while he adventures .

My musings circle and move around as quickly as he does, but eventually settle. I'm here.  Its a beautiful Colorado morning. I haven't fallen on some mysterious rock or branch…


Added by Alexis Smith on May 1, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

Elevation Athletics Weekly Training Blog

I sat down to write my weekly training blog about speedwork, then my year and a half old computer shut down on me for no reason for the sixth(?) time in the last two weeks.  So after spending nearly two hours trying to figure out what was wrong, fixing the problem and completely reinstalling some programs I decided to write about something that I have been thinking about a lot lately, technology vs. the human body (hopefully I will be able to continue with my speedwork blog next time,…


Added by Elevationathletics.org on April 28, 2011 at 10:01pm — 1 Comment

Ask the Coach - Swimming Fitness

Jessica says that poor cardiovascular fitness is limiting swimming improvement and wants to know how to fix this.…


Added by Nicole Odell on April 28, 2011 at 9:42pm — No Comments

Ask the Coach - Adjusting to Aero

Emily wrote in recently -  I need advice on how to transition from road bike to tri bike. Do you have any suggestions for getting used to aero position & shifters.

Emily's… Continue

Added by Nicole Odell on April 22, 2011 at 7:14am — No Comments

Elevation Athletics Weekly Training Blog

Spring training time in the Rockies.  No, I am not talking about baseball but the windy, cold, usually wet season we have to endure here in Colorado between the cold days of winter and the long, sunny play days of summer.  I have lived in Colorado for 34 of my 37 years and I have come to the conclusion that I just do not like spring.  With winter in Colorado you expect cold, snow, and wind, but as the days grow longer and your races and events get ever closer the cold, snow, rain and wind can… Continue

Added by Elevationathletics.org on April 21, 2011 at 6:06pm — No Comments

Seeing the Unsung: Our "Other" Trail Users


Last week I had the pleasure of attending TEDxMileHigh up in Denver. TEDx events are the regional off shoot of Ted.com, who's tagline is "Ideas Worth Spreading". I've been hooked on watching TED for about 2 years now, so it was sort of a dream come true to be in row 4 of such an event. Bonus: the networking group I started, Denver Young Professionals, was a partner of the event and one of our members....it's founder.


I've been a big fan of TED because it's about…


Added by Jon Severson on April 15, 2011 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Elevation Athletics Weekly Training Blog

Train your core and the rest will follow.  The best advice that any coach or trainer can give an athlete, or someone just looking to loose some weight and get a little healthier is to start with your core.  All of our movements from activities of daily living to advanced athletic maneuvers begin with our lower back and abdominal muscles.  The stronger your core muscles the better your balance, the more endurance you will have for long distance sports, the quicker you will be able to react or…


Added by Elevationathletics.org on April 14, 2011 at 9:46pm — No Comments

Ask the Coach - the Post Swim Wobbles

Continuing on the swim theme from last week - Dean asks: "When I get out of the water after a long swim I am not able to run well or straight. What can I do in training to help with this… Continue

Added by Nicole Odell on April 14, 2011 at 1:16pm — No Comments

The Skyrunner vs. the Wind Walker - Matt Carpenter meets a challenge 300 feet above Williams Canyon

Matt Carpenter makes his way across one of the narrow "elements" at the Wind Walker ropes course at Cave of the Winds. Below right, Brandi Lock, Cave of the Winds staff member, hangs out on the cantilever section of the Wind Walker. Below left, Kyla Carpenter, 8, Matt Carpenter's daughter, showed her dad how it's done.



Added by Tim Bergsten on April 12, 2011 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Mike Mazzola and the crew at Mountain Equipment Recyclers working hard for the community

Heal the Soul Dramatically (HTSD) Campaign combines three

things the community can get behind: food, music, and helping others.

Mountain Equipment Recyclers, Inc., is partnering with local restaurants to put on a

lunchtime concert series to benefit three Colorado Springs non-profits helping military

members. The HTSD Campaign hopes to change negative… Continue

Added by Tim Bergsten on April 11, 2011 at 10:42am — 1 Comment

Ask the Coach - What to Expect in Open Water

Megan is doing her first triathlon this season and asks: "I've never really swam long distances in open water. What can I expect?"

Open water is definitely a different experience from pool swimming. No lane lines, no stripe… Continue

Added by Nicole Odell on April 7, 2011 at 9:24pm — No Comments

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Mark Twain once said, "I can live for two months on a good compliment."  For me?  A compliment a day keeps my blues away.  But hey, if someone wants to pay me compliments more often than that, I'm not one to complain.


You see, I'm a "Words of…


Added by Stephanie Merchant Johnson on April 6, 2011 at 11:32pm — 3 Comments

UVC Running Club

Don't forget about the UVC Running Club! The inaugural run is this coming Monday, April 11th at 6pm. Access to PP Greenway and discounts for runners at participating stores.  Oh, and did I forget to mention?? They are giving a free t-shirt to the first 50 who sign in that night! For more info, go to http://www.UVCrunningclub.com/

Added by Jamie Kratt on April 6, 2011 at 2:39pm — No Comments

Gear Review: Eureka Apex 2XT ... win this tent!

This comes from Robert Mitchell at the UpaDowna website


MSRP: $129

Weight: 6 lbs 5 oz

Floor Size: 7′6″x 4′11″

Eureka’s website says it…


Added by Tim Bergsten on April 6, 2011 at 1:20pm — No Comments

Making Tracks: Picking up the pace with two training runs and a new running club

If you've been putting off your runs and need some motivation, this is a good week to get moving.

The Garden Training Runs, hosted by the Pikes Peak Road Runners, begin tomorrow (Tuesday, April 5) at 6 a.m. and will go each Tuesday and Thursday through June 9. The goal is to prepare for the Garden of the Gods 10 Mile Run on June 12.

On Thursday, the Incline Club…


Added by Tim Bergsten on April 4, 2011 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Ask the Coach - When do I get new shoes?

I just purchased a new pair of running shoes, which reminded me of Kevin's recent question:… Continue

Added by Nicole Odell on April 1, 2011 at 11:19am — No Comments

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