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Alexis Smith's Blog – June 2011 Archive (5)

Four footed running partners

When the alarm goes off around 5:00am the dog stretches, opens one eye quizzically, then rolls over. I want to do the same, but the predicted temperture is close to mid nineties. I have some miles to do and I prefer not to bake myself in the process. It has all been coming back to me, Colorado running in the heat, bring water and gu for the long runs, and more water, oh, and water for the dog.

My runs are increasing in distance, so some days I can be out for a few hours or so. I feel…


Added by Alexis Smith on June 28, 2011 at 2:02pm — 1 Comment

No Garmin...no problem? or Rambling thoughts Part II


Its taken me a bit of time to process Sunday.

Woke up, did all the usual pre-race stuff, and rolled into Manitou.

Greeted by incredibly positive and supportive team members (thanks!).

Tried to quiet my growing anxiety. Everyone looked so young, fit, and ready to kill the course. I felt a bit old, a bit slow, and a bit of doubt.Cancer takes away different parts of your self. My confidence in my body really took a hit. Dismissing the little negative thoughts , I…


Added by Alexis Smith on June 13, 2011 at 5:17pm — 4 Comments

Rambling thoughts the night before

(A random quote someone sent me)


"...is willing to accept that she creates her own reality

except for some of the parts

where she can't help but wonder

what the hell was she thinking"

Maybe that's a good summary of running and my cancer survivorship.

I'll let you know more tomorrow, after the Garden of the Gods 10 miles is done.

Smile if you see me, ( I'll be the one nearer the back).

I'll do the same for you.

Added by Alexis Smith on June 11, 2011 at 9:10pm — 1 Comment

Snake(s) on the trail

I was in the middle of a quick six mile run in Stratton area,up by the Resevoires.  Not paying too much attenetion, meandering on the trail and in my thoughts. Then the stick almost under my foot moved.

 I think my scream was a little shrill. A chuckle from behind, followed by a charming Southern voice " Darlin', you just about stepped on that snake'.

"Thought it was a long stick. The dog didn't seem too interested, then it moved and....I hate snakes!"

He ambled over to…


Added by Alexis Smith on June 6, 2011 at 7:25pm — 1 Comment

Early this morning


Somewhere during the 10 mile run today through the Garden I found myself. I really was lost for awhile. Have been waiting for the pieces to connect again. The elusive feelings that seemed to be just on the periphery, finally came through . Pure joy . Its been a bit of a struggle to let go, to give myself permission to move with the abandon that I used to have when I ran. My body had betrayed me. It could do it again. There has been a sense of fear and mistrust moving as an…


Added by Alexis Smith on June 1, 2011 at 7:25pm — 1 Comment

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