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Brianne Pierson
  • Female
  • United States
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  • Shelley Hitz
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Brianne Pierson's Blog

Blood red Hot 55k

Dear slick rock and sand,

Our relationship started out sweet. Beautiful views, great weather...I was eager to get to know you better but I've decided that I want to break up. If we ever see each other again, it will be on a bike. While your canted features are stunning and the softness of your red sand is appealing if we were on a beach, I don't appreciate how you get in my shoes and slow me down. You mesmerized me with your seductive views, so much so I fell for you HARD...at mile… Continue

Posted on February 14, 2015 at 5:36pm

Pikes Peak Ascent Sub - 4 Foiled Again

This year marks the 6th time I've run/crawled/hiked up Pikes Peak for fun. The infamous 4 hour wall was missed by a little over a minute. It seems like the times I've been close (4:01:08 this year, 4:01:18  two years ago), it was partially a result of really bad leg cramps. I went out pretty fast as I got bogged down in the W's last year while attempting to hold back and save some for the top which I didn't think worked for me. This year my splits to top of W's, No-name and Barr Camp were…


Posted on August 18, 2014 at 9:29pm — 3 Comments

It's the Final Countdown

"The hay is in the barn" so they say. I need to have faith that the hard work and miles spent playing in the mountains will pay off tomorrow. There is always that lingering voice of uncertainty that pops up once I step up to the starting line. Regardless of how hard I trained there are always those variables outside the realm of my control that factor in on race day including but not limited to : congestion in the w's, stomach issues, nerves, weather, Aunt Flo's visit, work, and numerous…


Posted on August 15, 2014 at 9:00pm

How the West was Run

Relays are increasingly popular and interesting beasts. Last weekend I ran the Wild West Relay which covered 200 miles from Fort Collins to Steamboat Springs. This was my first relay so had no idea what to expect. Vanessa, purple and gold alum, was our fearless team captain and did a great job organizing 10 friends and a couple strangers to run 36 legs. The legs varied from easy to "very hard". I'm not really sure how the…


Posted on August 6, 2014 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

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At 4:51pm on September 1, 2013, Michael Yowell said…

WOOT WOOT....great pic Bri!!!

At 4:51pm on July 23, 2010, Tim Bergsten said…
Hey Brianne!
Thanks for joining PikesPeakSports.us, the digital stomping ground for the outdoor community. On this site, you can share your stories, blogs, photos and videos about your fun and active lifestyle. We're looking forward to reading your words and seeing your photos! This site works when the individual members contribute info.
We're all about building community right here in Colorado Springs, connecting you with others who share a common passion for running, riding, hiking and climbing.
Please be sure to join the groups that you like. You can read more here about using the site. And check out our new Incline group where we have begun a list of everyone's personal-best times. It's all for fun...go for it!
Please tell your friends about us and please share your PikesPeakSports.us posts on your Facebook and Twitter accounts. It will really help us build this online community.
If you have questions or comments, please e-mail me at the address below.
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Thanks again and happy trails!
Tim Bergsten
PikesPeakSports.us editor

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