
Tim Bergsten created this Ning Network.

** JQRC elections are Monday, Feb 17th @ 5:30pm at Jack Quinn's Irish Pub. Talk with any Green Shirt on how you too can help us run our club.

** Beer prices will go up starting this week to $3.50 for the runners. This modest increase is due to a new minimum wage, the cost of ingredients to the manufacturers and an increase in aluminum cost.

** JQRC needs volunteers for our aid station at the Super Half-Marathon and Game Day 5K February 2nd. See any Green Shirt for info!

** Parking rates changed New Year’s Day…your BEST bet is to park in one of the parking garages for just $1 after 4pm.

This week at Jack Quinn’s Irish Pub:
- Boulder Running Company
- JQRC Merchandise Table
- Pet Pantry (Outside)

Upcoming events and guests @ Jack Quinn’s Pub through March 31, 2020:
- Boulder Running Company
- JQRC Merchandise Table
- Pet Pantry (Outside)

Thought of the Day:
“The people who love you are going to love you no matter what you look like, no matter what you’re doing, whether you’re a runner or not.”
– Tina Muir

Views: 75


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