
Tim Bergsten created this Ning Network.

This past weekend we photographed the 24 Hours in the Sage Race in Gunnison, Colorado. We hiked all over the 13-mile course taking photos and that was the best I have felt physically in a long time. I could not believe the energy I had covering the course. Nice discovery, but not the important discovery for me. In between riders, I finally answered one of my life questions that bugged me. How do you one day have old-man skin? I have always wondered how do you look in the mirror and one day see you have old man skin. I also wondered when will it happen to me.

Old-man skin is starting at the bottom of the calves and biceps, out of sight where I can't see it organizing the revolution to conquer the rest of my skin. So I Googled " Where does old-man skin come from" and here is the preventative Answer.com gave me.

How do you prevent the old man skin?

The secret to young skin, according to Cosmo, is hydration inside and out, and nourishment, inside and out. Drink lots of water instead of...well, anything, because nothing else is any good for you anyway. Get a good nourishing moisteurizing lotion and apply it a couple times a day. Exercise the face muscles; look for some of those online or in a magazine. Basically, an exaggerated smiling regimen (which I recommend in the bathroom, not at the bus stop) exercises all the face muscles in one go. Fish oil capsules are supposed to be good for the skin, according to Eva Longoria's fitness guy. You could use a mild exfoliant soap to scrub off the dead skin cells, or you can try more advanced laser peels.
Ok, anything Cosmo is involved with makes the subject highly questionable. I hope my new life style of eating according to Cosmo will prolong the evitable for a bit longer. As far as exfoliant soap and such, I use that to kill the weeds around the house.
On another note, I am promoting starting a social wellness blog at work in addition to a grassroots group to improve the wellness of the group. Keeping myself accountable to a group of people I hardly know is proving successful for me. Does anyone know of a study that correlates weightloss success with social networking?
Next year, I am considering riding in the race as well as photographing the race. We will see if my skin remains smooth and aerodynamic.
Here are the latest results:

Weight 221.5 (down 3.5 from last weigh-in) Body Fat 28.3% (down 0.4%) BMI 31.3 (down 0.6)

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Comment by Ralph Clark on August 27, 2010 at 9:42pm
Thank you Brian.
Comment by Brian McCarrie on August 27, 2010 at 6:44pm
Ralph, these updates keep getting better. I myself don't know of a study that correlates weightloss and social networking but I do know that being part of a group helps. At a time when I needed to lose a few pounds I started to regularly participate on a fitness forum. Sharing my story and reading others stories helped to guide me. So there is one personal experience for you. Keep up the good work. And GREAT photos out there at 24 hours in the Sage!!!

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