
Tim Bergsten created this Ning Network.

219 to be exact. Now that my weight is heading the direction on the scale, the time of year is coming that seems to help me become a well-marbled individual. A lot like a steak, to be exact so I am working a plan to continue my quest to become 85% lean. To be honest, I am enjoying being able to tie my own shoes without it seeming like a major accomplishment working around my belly. I also like showing my wife how I can take my pants off without unbuttoning them. I am still in that no mans land of too chubby to wear 34s (I'd like to wear them but I am still to fat) but too skinny for my 36s.

I love riding my bike and it has been a major contribution to helping me lose weight. My love for riding my 11 year-old Giant road bike ends as soon as the cold sets in. Yes, I am too wimpy to ride in the cold. My solution, introduce spinning at work. We have an aerobics room at work. Ascent Cycling has agreed to give us a brown-bag session at lunch on the benefits of spinning, and what we need to help kick the program off. We are planing on using DVDs developed by Carmicheal Training Systems to lead the class and using our bikes on trainers since good spinning bikes are too expensive. I hope to begin class by mid-October.

I have also started a wellness group at work to help give people at our site options to start moving, live a healthier life style, and getting into shape. My hope is that we get a model going that works for us here in Colorado Springs so that other Quantum sites can copy and tweak to their culture. So if any of you have any suggestions, I would enjoy hearing from you.

Pikes Peak Sports will be one of the sources I will provide to the group. We have talked about picking 6 races held in the Springs and using them as stages to our overall championship challenge starting in January.

Here are the latest results:

Weight 219 (down 2.5 from last weigh-in and 26 pounds overall since May) Body Fat 27.9% (down 0.4%) BMI 31.0 (down 0.3)

Views: 62


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Comment by Ralph Clark on September 28, 2010 at 8:10am
Thank you Joyce for the comment. I appreciate the encouragement and helping me realize I need to step my game up. I guess my next step is to register for a 5k race. Keep me posted with your progress.
Comment by Joyce Paywa on September 16, 2010 at 4:06pm
I love what you shared, Ralph! I, too, have lost weight (around 70 lbs), gained a bit back (approx 20), and I've found a new lifestyle! Before, I was a total couch potatoe--I had zero experience working out and I'd never been involved in sports. Now, 3 years later, I've done 1 triathlon, a half-marathon, the Fall Series, summitted Pikes Peak 2x, ride a bike, and really use my membership at the Y. My family (husband & daughter) and I eat so much differently, although I must admit that in times of stress chocolate does love to comfort me! My entire family lives a more healthy life now and it's so awesome. I've met tons of great people who continue to motive and inspire me. I love that you are taking this to your work and I look forward to hearing about your progress! Congratulations and good luck to you!
Comment by Brian McCarrie on September 12, 2010 at 6:32pm
Ralph, I'm lovin these updates. Good to hear you're doing so well. The wellness group is a great idea. I think it's a great idea. Let me know how I can help. Here's my email: bmccarrie@yahoo.com Keep up the great work. Good to see you out at the Ride For Heroes on Saturday.
Comment by Allen Beauchamp on September 12, 2010 at 8:52am
Ralph, I have to do a double-take everytime I see you at one of the many events we support together. Congratulations on your results, it's been ispiring to read your progress. Keep up the good work, I hope to not recognize you soon :-) And...if you want any ideas/suggestions or help with enjoying cycling in the cold, let me know, I ride year-round and winter can be a very special season.
Comment by Tim Bergsten on September 10, 2010 at 4:49pm
Ralph! Way to Go!!..I love that you're having Ascent come in to work for the brown-bag sessions. And using the Carmichaels DVD's..that's awesome...you should also check out Opt Out Cycling (local company) for some cool cycling DVD's. You've lost 26 pounds! That's great! Keep it up. You're an inspiration for all.

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