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YO! I've Been Here Before Weighting for the Second Yo

First the good news. I quit my blood pressure and cholestrol meds a couple of months ago. I was a bit nervous getting my annual blood chemistry done this month. Did I mention in a previous blog that my wife is my family doctor's nurse. I can't get away with anything so I was praying my numbers for cholestrol and triglyceride levels are with in last year's numbers. Last year at this time, I dropped my cholestrol from 254 to 202 and my triglycerides from 276 to 206 using medication. This year, I dropped my cholestrol to 143 and triglycerides to 108 watching my diet.

My weight is still holding at 219 and my percent bodyfat has dropped to 26.4%. I have been here before. Even though the 26 pound loss required discipline, it is at this point where I have become frustrated and complete the "yo" of the first "yo" by saying yo to my old ways. Before you know it, I have completed the cycle of another successful "yoyo" diet.

But over the weekend, I decided and I am determined to execute/kill the second "yo" and realize rebirth needs to begin now. Now is when I need to focus on the amount of calories I am taking in and approximate how many calories I am burning from lifting and cardio. I need to track my progress and see what aspects of my body rebirth I need change up to see my goal of 17% body fat at 200 pounds. I am going to measure my neck, arms, chest, waist, and calves. I am dropping BMI because I believe that is a bogus measurement at this point.

Until my finances allow me to hire Nicole Drummer as a personal coach, I am going to use a few iPhone apps to track my progress. I am also going to pick a 5k to compete in around the end of October or beginning of November. Please give me suggestions for apps and/or a good 5k to compete in.

Weight 219 (No Change) Body Fat 26.4% (down 1.5%)

Views: 82


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Comment by Rob Lucas on September 30, 2010 at 9:48pm
Great results Ralph! Last winter I had similar cholesterol and triglyceride numbers to where you started. My doctor said he'd normally put me on meds. Since he's been my doctor for 15 years, he said he knew I could do the exercise and get back. He saw the shape I was in when I was riding 20-30 hours a week and had great cholesterol/triglyceride numbers. It's time for me to go get tested again and honestly I think I've failed at getting back in shape.
Comment by Brian McCarrie on September 28, 2010 at 10:41am
Hey Ralph, you are awesome. I think you're doing great. The improvements you've made in your triglyceride and cholesteral numbers freakin' awesome man.

Have you tried adding the Jack Quinn's run to your weekly routine? It's a great group.
Comment by Nicole Odell on September 28, 2010 at 9:14am
Hey Ralph - Those are HUGE drops in cholesteral/triglyceride numbers! AWESOME!
Check out livestrong.com for some mobile apps. I don't have an iPhone but I've used their online tracking and it worked pretty well. And of course feel free to drop me any questions you might have. Regarding 5ks, looks like there are a couple on Oct 30th and as you get closer to Thanksgiving there are the fun Turkey Trots. Keep up the great work and thanks again for sharing your progress!!

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