
Tim Bergsten created this Ning Network.

We all know when training is involved there are so many sacrifices that are made.  The event really dictates the sacrifices involved.  5k’s are different from 10k’s, from half marathons and even more different than the Pikes Peak Ascent.  This particular event is the sacrifices while training for the Pikes Peak Ascent.

The training for the PPA really began back in March when some runs went to North Cheyenne Canyon and the Chutes. From there it was Section 16, Garden of the Gods, Barr Trail and runs on top of Pikes Peak.

However, this is not about the sacrifices for me, the runner.  These sacrifices are the ones made by my friends and family.  Most of my major training occurred on Saturdays.  This meant on Friday nights I was not able to do many of the things that they wanted to do.  I needed to be home early or not go at all.  I wanted to get some rest so I would feel decent on Saturday. 

Then on Saturday it was an early and long day.  Up before the sun, getting ready, making sure I didn’t forget anything and out of the house normally around 6:45 a.m.  Depending on the agenda it was going to take 4, 5, 6 hours.  Then when I arrived back home it was time to relax and not do much of anything else for a couple of more hours.

Sunday was a recovery and catch up day.  My body need to recover from Saturday and I needed to catch up on all the things I didn’t do Friday and Saturday.  This mean most my Sunday activities were at the house with little other things happening.

I want to thank all the wonderful people in my life that have sacrificed for me to do my training for the PPA.  Not just the weekend trainings but the everyday of trainings you sacrificed for me.  I especially want to acknowledge and thank my kids Anthony, Alexandra, Thomas and Genevieve for allowing me do my trainings and never complaining about the sacrifices you had to make.  Your sacrifices and support have helped me and will get me to the top.  Thank you to all my friends and families for your sacrifices.

Remember, keep running my fellows runner because you inspire me.  GO BRT!!!!    

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