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Synergy Manual Physical Therapy's Blog (19)

Leg Compression for Athletes Recovery

 Athletes who undergo rigorous training often cause damage to their muscles and joints in which impacts further training and success.  This damage can cause exercise-induced inflammation, repetitive stress and trauma to the muscles. Symptoms include soreness, swelling, and tenderness, in part secondary to local increased lactic acid resulting in decreased range of motion. Therefore, quick recovery is crucial for athletes to regain and strive for optimal performance…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on October 3, 2016 at 10:43am — No Comments

Exercising when sick

So you’ve stuck to your New Years resolution to take better care of yourself. You’re feeling great, hitting your goals, and are finally seeing results…. then you get struck with an illness! Whether it is a cold, flu, or another illness, this will definitely put a thorn in your routine. But should you stop…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on May 21, 2015 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Exercising when sick

So you’ve stuck to your New Years resolution to take better care of yourself. You’re feeling great, hitting your goals, and are finally seeing results…. then you get struck with an illness! Whether it is a cold, flu, or another illness, this will definitely put a thorn in your routine. But should you stop exercising when sick? As physical therapists we get this question on a regular basis…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on May 21, 2015 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Specialization in Youth Sports: A Dangerous Game.

As an Athletic Trainer that has spent the better part of his career in the professional sports arena I am often times asked by well meaning parents what they can do to help their kid prevent injuries and get better at their chosen sport. They often times are taken by surprise when my answer is to give them the necessary rest and recovery period their bodies need to heal and…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on April 9, 2015 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Practical Strength Training and Stretching Tips to Help You Prevent Pain and Injury on the Slopes: Part 2

Now that ski season is nearly over, you may be wondering why we’re posting the second part of this blog.  Well, as PTs we figure it’s never too late to teach folks how to avoid pain and injury—and by now you may have discovered that a full day of skiing or boarding is leaving you with some aches and pains as you start your Monday morning.  So, that makes you a particularly captive audience!  Training (before you ski/board) and Recovery (during the day and before you get in your car to drive…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on March 24, 2015 at 1:42pm — No Comments

Practical Self-Care Tips to Help You Prevent Pain and Injury on the Slopes: Part 1

Everyone knows that squats and lunges are great exercises to help you handle the steep and deep.  But did you know that preventing injury on the slopes starts in your bedroom?  Keep reading to find out the three things I teach my patients to prevent pain on the slopes—or even while doing yard work—these tips will help you prevent pain before it begins.

1. Preventing pain on the slopes starts…in the bedroom

The things you do to…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on February 17, 2015 at 10:00am — No Comments

Please help! Vote for Synergy Manual Physical Therapy for the Best of the Springs 2015!

It's that time of the year again to cast your vote! Please help us by following the link below to vote for Synergy Manual Physical Therapy by following these steps:

  1. Go to: …

Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on February 9, 2015 at 7:09am — 2 Comments

Pesky Plantar Fasciitis

      You have stretched, braced, iced, rolled, rested, strengthened, changed shoes and prayed to the plantar fascia gods but nothing is helping your chronic plantar fasciitis. You are not alone, it occurs in 10% of the population. Don’t worry your problem is correctable but may be related to more than your foot. Plantar fasciitis causes heel pain in active as well as…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on February 4, 2015 at 10:57am — No Comments

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: What it is and why you need to know!

The pelvic floor is an important part of human anatomy. Considering how important it is, it always amazes me how infrequently the pelvic floor is discussed. It is responsible for correct bowel and bladder function, it is also responsible for normal sexual function. One could think of the pelvic floor as the structure that holds in and supports your insides. If the…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on January 21, 2015 at 3:02pm — No Comments

Herniated Discs (Part 2): Symptoms and Treatment

This blog is the second part of a two-part blog on herniated discs. In the first post we covered the anatomy of your spinal discs and the common injuries to these discs. You can visit that post by clicking this link. Today we will discuss the symptoms and treatment of a herniated disc and what you should expect when you see a physical therapist.…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on January 7, 2015 at 10:37am — No Comments

Herniated Discs (Part 1 of 2): Anatomy and Injury

For many people, injury to one of the discs in the lumbar spine (lower back) evokes thoughts of costly MRIs, large needles for injections, and stories of friends who have had bad backs their whole life. An injury to the low back doesn’t have to be a career or recreation ending injury and can be safely treated with conservative measures, so before you start thinking surgery I want to do some educating on discs and disc injuries to ease any fears of the unknown.…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on December 3, 2014 at 8:00am — No Comments

Functional Movement Screen: Assessing your injury risk before it happens

You are in great shape. You train hard. And you feel invincible! But even the top elite athletes get injured. Why is this? As most people train or workout we do the exercises or activities that we feel will benefit us the most given our sport or goal that we are trying to achieve. If you are a running you are likely working your legs the most, getting those quads strong, hamstrings loose, and glutes powerful. But we often get tunnel vision when it comes to our training regimes and do not…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on November 11, 2014 at 11:30am — No Comments

Knee Pain and Your Kinetic Chain

     The knee joint needs to be trained and strengthened properly to avoid excess wear and tear (arthritis) on the joint that can eventually lead to knee pain. Running, hiking, agility training, yoga, and even strength training improperly can create or increase improper knee mechanics leading to pain or even arthritic conditions. On the flip side, performing proper balanced…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on October 27, 2014 at 10:31am — No Comments

A Hip Flexor stretch you’ll truly Love

      Whether you run long distance, sit in a chair all day, or find yourself somewhere in between, our challenging modern lifestyles guarantees you may find yourself with tight hip flexors or living your life with an anterior pelvic tilt.

      When your hip flexors become overly tight, everything may seem out of sync.  You may feel like you walk funny, can’t run without knee pain, your lunges and squats are “off”, and your low back may ache or fatigue easily.  Sound familiar? You…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on October 13, 2014 at 11:38am — No Comments

Rehabilitation following a meniscus tear

So your doc said you have a meniscus tear? Ouch! And now you are wondering what rehabilitation will be like. This is going to depend on whether or not you had surgery and how bad the tear is. Small tears are common and can even heal on their own if in the right place, which…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on October 6, 2014 at 9:30am — No Comments

Hamstring Injury Prevention

We all know about the dreaded hamstring pull or strain. We fear that feeling of a sharp pain in the back of our thigh as we are running down the field or about to cross the finish line. The recovery can take months and the loss of playing or training time can be priceless. So what can we do about this? Can we actually prevent the invisible sniper from targeting our…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on September 29, 2014 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Piriformis Syndrome: A real pain in the butt!

It may be there when you first wake up, after a run, or it can even haunt you as you are sitting at your desk. And whether it is called…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on September 22, 2014 at 11:01am — No Comments

Training Through Pain


You’re in great physical shape, you’ve been spending the last couple months ramping up your training for the next big race….. and then it happens. It can start off as a small twinge of pain in your knee or as a soreness in your hips which you blow it off and keep running. Then a month goes by and it’s a little more nagging, and your frustration is growing. Now you are even closer to the race and become worried that it will affect your time. What do you do, keep training or…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on September 15, 2014 at 11:12am — No Comments

Runner's Knee: What it is and how to treat it

What is Runner’s Knee?

If you have been running for a long enough time you are bound to hear the term “runner’s knee.” Hopefully it is another runner complaining they have it rather than hearing it from your doctor’s mouth, but either way you should know what it is and what to do about it. Runner’s knee is medically known as Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, or PFPS. It…


Added by Synergy Manual Physical Therapy on September 10, 2014 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

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