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Craig Young
  • Male
  • Colorado Springs, CO
  • United States
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  • Carrie Renaud
  • Sabra zirkle
  • Sonal Modisette
  • Christi Keiser

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Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 6:13pm on April 17, 2011, Gerald "G Man" Romero gave Craig Young a gift
Ive missed you coach, call me. I gave you my number with the comment i left you. Hope all is good with you and running. Gerald.
At 12:08pm on April 17, 2011, Gerald "G Man" Romero said…

Dear Craig Young,

this is Gerald Romero, you trained me starting in 1999 for a couple of years and i became the great runner i am today because of you and your training principles.  I just found you on this website (Pikes Peak Sports) and though i would send you a message try and contact you.  I lost contact with you in 2001 and never could get a hold of you again.  


You were and will always be the best out there and i still use your training techniques to this very day.  I would love to pay you for your training again.  I had a great 2010 and am getting ready to have an awsome 2011.  I have done 12 races this year and just did the bash the bluffs 5k this past saturday on 4/16/11 at uccs-got 4th overall with a 17:58.  I just started adding my 4 mile lactate to my regimen every week now and i did my first fartlek at the garden of the gods last week just like we used to do.    Check out my page on this website.  Do you still have a "young at heart racing team"?    Lets get together for lunch soon.  My # is 719-477-3748.   Take care buddy.  I have missed you here in spgs and seeing you race.


Gerald Romero

At 8:20am on May 18, 2010, Tim Bergsten said…
Hi Craig!
Thanks for joining PikesPeakSports.us, the digital stomping ground for the outdoor community. On this site, you can share your stories, blogs, photos and videos about your fun and active lifestyle.
We're all about building community right here in Colorado Springs, connecting you with others who share a common passion for running, riding, hiking and climbing.
Please be sure to join the groups that you like. You can read more here about using the site. And check out our new Incline group where we have begun a list of everyone's personal-best times. It's all for fun...go for it!
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Thanks again and happy trails!
Tim Bergsten
PikesPeakSports.us editor

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