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The Incline

A mile long, 1,900 ft. elevation gain. It lures us in, then breaks our legs and burns our lungs. Click START DISCUSSION to write your story and add photos. Post your best time, name and age in the comment box. We'll add you to our Incline Honor Roll.

Location: Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region
Members: 176
Latest Activity: Aug 1, 2017

The PikesPeakSports.us Incline Honor Roll

Nick Wilson, 18 years old, 19:41 from the first tie, Oct. 28, 2010.
Simon B Gutierrez,. 21:42, July 13, 2012
Shawn Erchinger, 42, 21:39 in 2009.
Fred Baxter, 56 years old, 22:15 from the first tie, May 10, 2010
Troy French, 24:06, Nov. 1, 2011
Brad Poppele, 24:21 from the first tie, Aug. 10, 2011
Cam Chambers, 24:30
Josh Wright, 25:01, from the Cog parking lot.
Sean Holveck, 26 minutes, first tie
Michael Everson, 48, 25:50 from the first tie, Aug. 27, 2012
Joshua Glenn Jiron, 26 minutes
David Mulligan, 26:17, Oct. 6, 2011
Bob Stellick, 37, 28:18, from the first tie, June 4, 2010
Michael Capshaw, 29:10 on Sept. 17
Rob Lucas, sub-30 minutes "back in my fit days"
Jessica Bell, 29:57 from the first tie.
Chrissy Steigerwald, Jan., 2011, 32:02
Mark Modisette, 46 years old, 32:25, June 10, 2011
Teri Pitman, 30:34 from the bottom of the ties
Carrie Renaud, 32:56 from the first tie, 11-7-09.
Sonya Norris, 33:00 from the bottom of the ties
Tim Bergsten, 48 years old, 32:24 from Barr Trail parking lot, Oct. 2007
Dieter Schnackenberg, Just under 30 minutes from the top of the parking-lot trail.
Dan, 29 and some change...but from the cheater's start above the Barr Trail parking lot. ;)
Kevin League, 33:45 from the first tie, Nov. 2010
Dave Adair, 52, 34:05 from the first tie on June 7, 2010
Ty, 34:20 from the first tie on June 25, 2010
Katie Schwing, 26, 36:00 from the first tie
Jeff Lindquist, 36:29 from the first tie on June 3, 2010
Matt Hulett, 38, 36:31 from first tie, Feb. 15, 2011
Carley Hyman, 37:45, Aug. 2010
Tanya Pater, 27, 38:00
Stephanie Gendron, 39 minutes last year.
Sonal Modisette, 39:49, set this week from the first tie.
Trudy L DeCoronado, 40:00
Randi Hitchcock, 28, 41:00
Nora, 42 minutes
Melanie Mitchell, 49:20
Debbie Rhuby, 51 with original knees and hips :), 1:10, with a 30-pound pack and boots form Barr Trail parking lot.

Articles about the Incline
New York Times, "Up a mountain, Olympic dreams are carved," Aug. 2, 2008

Discussion Forum

The satellite doesn't lie, Joe Gray clocks 17:45 on Incline

When he crawled out of bed on Friday morning with a pumpkin pie hangover, Joe Gray didn’t…Continue

Tags: climb, Matt, Carpenter, strava, record

Started by Tim Bergsten Sep 25, 2015.

New and improved Incline set to open on Friday

From the City of Colorado SpringsJoin us for a reopening celebration of the Manitou…Continue

Tags: open, Manitou, Springs, construction, hike

Started by Tim Bergsten Dec 1, 2014.

Fretta insists he is Incline's fastest, but admits 'record' debate is part of the fun 1 Reply

On a cloudy day in 2006, professional triathlete Mark Fretta and Olympic speed skaters…Continue

Tags: Fretta, Mark, record, Incline

Started by Tim Bergsten. Last reply by Jill Suarez Sep 16, 2014.

The end of a long Incline journey

By Greg CummingsWith only two ascents remaining to reach 1,400, I started up the Incline…Continue

Tags: 1, diabetes, Type, record, climb

Started by Tim Bergsten Aug 28, 2014.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Dave Adair on June 7, 2010 at 8:39am
New time. 34:05 this morning from the first tie.
Comment by Enrique Rhoden on June 6, 2010 at 12:39pm
A bike parking lot would be great, I was there around 8 this morning, and could not find a parking spot, I ended up parking at memorial park (took me forever to find, but found it), then ran to the beginning of the incline, did the incline and back down barr trail for the first time. A really nice feeling, was a wonderful day, nice scenery, and forgot my camera in the car, next time.
Comment by Tim Bergsten on June 6, 2010 at 12:24pm
I think a bike valet somewhere along Ruxton would be a great idea. That way Inlcine climbers could ride there, leave their bikes at the valet, do the Incline and ride home. This would be a huge workout, especially for those riding a long way, but some could transport their bikes to Old Colorado City or Manitou where parking is available, then ride.
I don't feel comfortable leaving my bike locked up in the Barr Trail parking lot, but I have seen several people riding there to do the Incline or hike Barr. A bike valet that charges $1 to keep your bike safe, might encourage more riders, and more riders means fewer cars.
The Metro Rides Colorado Springs Bike Month+ folks have hosted successful (free) bike valets at several events this year. We need more of them in more places.
Comment by Carrie Renaud on June 6, 2010 at 11:36am
I was on the trail this morning (going to Barr Camp, no incline today) and when I started at 6:00 there were a number of parking spots on Ruxton. When I got down (9ish) it was packed and there were a number of people driving up and down to find something (one car passed me four times). I parked on the back side of Soda Springs Park. When I parked I was the only car there and when I returned there were still a number of spots. If you don't want to do the whole walk/run from Memorial, try Soda Springs!

And BTW, I may be preaching to the choir, but remember that no matter how fast you are going downhill and how slow others are going uphill, uphill still has the right of way (sorry had to get that out)!
Comment by Randi Hitchcock on June 5, 2010 at 9:49pm
I don't know why everyone complains about parking. If you're a hard core inclineian, you'll just park in Manitou and run up Ruxton anyways. I always love passing the cars going 1mph trying to find a spot to park, and I usually end up starting the incline by the time they find a spot! And if people can't make it up ruxton, I wonder if it will ever get to the point of a shuttle? Maybe every hour or 1/2 hour. Charge by the ride, or the week or a yearly pass and help pay for maintenance! Buy 4 rides, get the 5th free! I don't know, but at least there would be less cars on the side of the road for the people who live there. I hope to attend the meeting!

Wonder what the record is from the bottom of Ruxton?!? hehe
Comment by Teri Pitman on June 4, 2010 at 2:22pm
5/4/2010- 31:29 from the first tie of course
Comment by Bob Stellick on June 4, 2010 at 10:13am
For the honor role, I am 37 and had a PR this morning, June 4 2010 of 28:18. My previous PR of 28:32 was set back when I was 30. My good friend Dave Hendrix pushed me up the hill.
Comment by Debbie Rhuby on June 3, 2010 at 3:22pm
Some of us were above the Incline near the Longs Ranch Road to pick up a misrouted hiker when a large bear ran right across the road in front of us. I know there has to be several of them out there, so please use caution when venturing away from the beaten path, especially if you're alone. I know most folks just go back down the Incline or take the nasty "luge run" back down to the Barr Trail, and you're less likely to encounter bears in that heavily traveled loop. (but it WAS cool to see the bear!!)
Comment by Renee Walker on June 3, 2010 at 2:23pm
My husband and I have enjoyed the incline for years - before it became popular. Due to schedules we climb in the early (before 6am) morning. The parking has become such an issue and it is our hope that the access issues can be resolved in a positive manner for all incliners and the residents. This morning we chose to avoid the madness and opt for a quieter venue - which is always disappointing. Let's all think out of the box and try to come up with a solution to the access issue. Also, since it is illegal, why are the armed forces advocating this as an official training exercise? It would be great if they worked on the transportation issue to avoid impacting the GP and also organized some work days? We love the incline!
Comment by Dave Adair on June 3, 2010 at 9:28am
Yes, we are trespassing (estimated 70,000/year!) The top third of the incline is Forest Service land, the middle third is owned by the Cog, and the bottom portion is owned by C/S Utilities.

The intent of the task force/planning process is to develop a master plan that addresses officially opening the incline to public use. It will deal with access, parking, safety, maintenance, etc. Please attend the public meeting so that the user input is heard. To be sure the Ruxton residents will be there (and they have legitimate concerns).

Members (175)


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