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The Incline

A mile long, 1,900 ft. elevation gain. It lures us in, then breaks our legs and burns our lungs. Click START DISCUSSION to write your story and add photos. Post your best time, name and age in the comment box. We'll add you to our Incline Honor Roll.

Location: Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region
Members: 176
Latest Activity: Aug 1, 2017

The PikesPeakSports.us Incline Honor Roll

Nick Wilson, 18 years old, 19:41 from the first tie, Oct. 28, 2010.
Simon B Gutierrez,. 21:42, July 13, 2012
Shawn Erchinger, 42, 21:39 in 2009.
Fred Baxter, 56 years old, 22:15 from the first tie, May 10, 2010
Troy French, 24:06, Nov. 1, 2011
Brad Poppele, 24:21 from the first tie, Aug. 10, 2011
Cam Chambers, 24:30
Josh Wright, 25:01, from the Cog parking lot.
Sean Holveck, 26 minutes, first tie
Michael Everson, 48, 25:50 from the first tie, Aug. 27, 2012
Joshua Glenn Jiron, 26 minutes
David Mulligan, 26:17, Oct. 6, 2011
Bob Stellick, 37, 28:18, from the first tie, June 4, 2010
Michael Capshaw, 29:10 on Sept. 17
Rob Lucas, sub-30 minutes "back in my fit days"
Jessica Bell, 29:57 from the first tie.
Chrissy Steigerwald, Jan., 2011, 32:02
Mark Modisette, 46 years old, 32:25, June 10, 2011
Teri Pitman, 30:34 from the bottom of the ties
Carrie Renaud, 32:56 from the first tie, 11-7-09.
Sonya Norris, 33:00 from the bottom of the ties
Tim Bergsten, 48 years old, 32:24 from Barr Trail parking lot, Oct. 2007
Dieter Schnackenberg, Just under 30 minutes from the top of the parking-lot trail.
Dan, 29 and some change...but from the cheater's start above the Barr Trail parking lot. ;)
Kevin League, 33:45 from the first tie, Nov. 2010
Dave Adair, 52, 34:05 from the first tie on June 7, 2010
Ty, 34:20 from the first tie on June 25, 2010
Katie Schwing, 26, 36:00 from the first tie
Jeff Lindquist, 36:29 from the first tie on June 3, 2010
Matt Hulett, 38, 36:31 from first tie, Feb. 15, 2011
Carley Hyman, 37:45, Aug. 2010
Tanya Pater, 27, 38:00
Stephanie Gendron, 39 minutes last year.
Sonal Modisette, 39:49, set this week from the first tie.
Trudy L DeCoronado, 40:00
Randi Hitchcock, 28, 41:00
Nora, 42 minutes
Melanie Mitchell, 49:20
Debbie Rhuby, 51 with original knees and hips :), 1:10, with a 30-pound pack and boots form Barr Trail parking lot.

Articles about the Incline
New York Times, "Up a mountain, Olympic dreams are carved," Aug. 2, 2008

Discussion Forum

The satellite doesn't lie, Joe Gray clocks 17:45 on Incline

When he crawled out of bed on Friday morning with a pumpkin pie hangover, Joe Gray didn’t…Continue

Tags: climb, Matt, Carpenter, strava, record

Started by Tim Bergsten Sep 25, 2015.

New and improved Incline set to open on Friday

From the City of Colorado SpringsJoin us for a reopening celebration of the Manitou…Continue

Tags: open, Manitou, Springs, construction, hike

Started by Tim Bergsten Dec 1, 2014.

Fretta insists he is Incline's fastest, but admits 'record' debate is part of the fun 1 Reply

On a cloudy day in 2006, professional triathlete Mark Fretta and Olympic speed skaters…Continue

Tags: Fretta, Mark, record, Incline

Started by Tim Bergsten. Last reply by Jill Suarez Sep 16, 2014.

The end of a long Incline journey

By Greg CummingsWith only two ascents remaining to reach 1,400, I started up the Incline…Continue

Tags: 1, diabetes, Type, record, climb

Started by Tim Bergsten Aug 28, 2014.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of The Incline to add comments!

Comment by Debbie Rhuby on October 22, 2010 at 8:50am
Will the dawn to dusk rule apply to the long-distance hikers parking at the Barr Trail parking lot too? They NEED to get an early start in the dark in order to make it to their destination safely before nightfall. They're carrying heavy packs which might include overnight or snow/ice gear, they aren't runners, they don't get there quickly, and they have between 13-26 miles to cover. Early starts are how hikers usually beat the thunderstorms. This could have a huge impact on Neal & Teresa at Barr Camp... an unfortunate byproduct of harsh sanctions/controls placed due to the Incline... if long-distance hikers are unable to get a safe early start. I'm guessing that rule will only be for the Incline parking & use by short-distance runners, not for the more expensive Barr Trail parking & long-distance hikers?
Comment by Dave Adair on October 22, 2010 at 8:34am
No one really knew why the dawn to dusk limitation was thrown in. Possibly because other city parks have that restriction.
Comment by Nora on October 22, 2010 at 8:22am
Dawn to dusk?? Why???????
Comment by Nora on October 22, 2010 at 8:22am
I will be there Sunday morning to go up!!
Comment by Dave Adair on October 22, 2010 at 8:20am
I came away from the Incline Management Plan meeting last night with the feeling that the plan failed to address the needs of the user group who uses the incline the most, i.e. those that do it multiple times per week/year round. This is the group that has popularized the experience and members of this group are the ones that have put effort and dollars into maintaining it.

The proposal that it should only be open dawn-to-dusk was a brain-dead idea and shows the complete lack of understanding of the user experience of that core user group. The failure to grasp the significance of limiting usage cast doubt about the rest of the plan. It was roundly condemned in the feedback session.

While I understand and completely agree with the need to provide parking for residents in the Ruxton corridor, the proposal to remove up to 100 parking spaces from public use, with only vague solutions, also showed a lack of understanding of the situation.

This is what I think. What are your thoughts?

Comment by Nick Wilson on October 21, 2010 at 9:28pm
I do the incline 3 times a week and love it. I know I must have a good time cause Ive never been passed although Ive never officially timed it. I will this Sunday though =)
Comment by Debbie Rhuby on October 21, 2010 at 4:10pm
Thanks for the info Rob! I can't be there due to class commitments, but I wish I could be. Another reason for requiring leashes, besides the unfriendly dog encounters you mention, would be that leashed owners can't claim to "not know" that their dog pooped on the trail. Maybe more of it will be cleaned up that way? I'm fine with dogs being allowed there, I just wish bad owners could be disallowed and only the good owners allowed!! :)
Comment by Rob Lucas on October 21, 2010 at 3:36pm
I'll be at the Manitou Incline meeting tonight. They've put together a good draft but there are a few things I don't agree with. My thoughts are here
Comment by Tim Bergsten on October 6, 2010 at 3:21pm
That's a quick time, Brad. Nice work!
Comment by Brad Poppele on October 6, 2010 at 2:13pm
26:48 from the first tie. 9/15/2010

Members (175)


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