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So I hooked up with the Acacia Park ride this past Sunday

I was a bit nervous about going to this ride for a few reasons. Were people going to look at me like I didn't belong there? Where people going to look at my older bike and think "who's the old school dude on the old bike"? But most of all I was a bit nervous because I wasn't sure if I could keep up.

I got there right at 10:00am and no one was there. I started to think, maybe I already missed them. I hung out for a few minutes and people started to show up. After about 10 min or so, there was a group of at least 12 riders and I'm not sure why I was so nervous because everyone was really friendly and cool. Just a bunch of people looking to get in a good ride.

So we all chatted for a few minutes and we were off. We went North on Cascade and eventually hooked up with the Santa Fe Trail heading North for a little while, then back on the road and eventually to Woodmen and the interstate. I'm happy to report that I was actually keeping up with the group. Of course, this was the easy part of the ride. I was expecting the group to get way strung out once we got into the Air Force Academy.

We went under the interstate at Woodmen, through a neighborhood and up by Academy Blvd. Then to Voyager and Academy where we took a left to go into the Academy. I was pretty stoked to ride in the Academy but I got a little hung up at the light and the group pulled away from me and another guy. We chatted for a bit and then I realized... I didn't have my ID. It didn't matter if I could keep up or not, I wasn't even going to be able to get on the Academy grounds!

So I ended up only riding with the group for the first 10 miles or so and then went to ride on my own. Got 32 miles in. It was a good ride.

Next week, I'm remembering my ID.

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