
Tim Bergsten created this Ning Network.

Nothing like a wet Spring snow run in Colorado this weekend…..hope you had fun and we’ll see you at JQRC.


Joining us this week at Jack Quinn’s Irish Pub and Restaurant:

- Boulder Running Company

- Thrive Health Systems

- JQRC Merchandise Table


Upcoming Events & Guests @ JQRC through 30 May 2017:

- Boulder Running Company

- JQRC Merchandise Table

- 09/16 May: Run to the Shrine (20 May event date http://www.cmzoo.org/index.php/guest-information/zoo-events/run-to-...)



Are you new to JQRC and/or looking for someone to run with on our Tuesday runs?

Meet by the newbie table at 5:30 pm for a quick announcement and then pair up with fellow Quinnian’s (aka your NEW running buddies) and run, jog, walk, or crawl.

So if you are brand new, or all of your buddies bailed on you, join with our “Newbies” and make it even more fun and get to know some new friends!


Running Quote of the Day:

“Toughness is coming face to face with your limitations, whatever they may be, and having the courage to acknowledge them and still keep going.”

– Marathoner Esther Atkins

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