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Instant Fame with the PPS Triple Crown Team?

When I applied to be part of the PikesPeakSports.us Triple Crown team, Tim Bergsten mentioned there would be instant celebrity wearing the infamous purple and gold singlets of the team.  

Little did I know how this would be true for me.

After finishing the first race of the Triple Crown, the GOG 10 miler, my friend Kristina Tabares informed me that my picture (and yes, I was wearing the purple and gold singlet) was pictured on the front page of the sports section in the Gazette.

It's true...I'm famous!!! 

Well, not really.  But, how many times do you get your picture in the paper?  I don't think I've ever been pictured in a newspaper for a race before.  

There is only one conclusion...

It must be the beautiful purple and gold PPS Triple Crown team singlet I'm wearing!  Ha!  :)

Seriously, though, I don't need fame or celebrity.  I run for many reasons, but I don't run for awards or notoriety.   

Being chosen for the Triple Crown Team (and attempting to finish all 3 races) has been one of the biggest physical challenges of my life.  So far, I've accomplished 1/3 of my goal.  What a great feeling to have finished the GOG 10 miler successfully and within my goal time.  Whew!

Next week...Summer Roundup 12k.  

Ready or not...here I come!

p.s. If you are running the Triple Crown next year, I encourage you to apply for the PPS triple crown team.  Not only will you become a local celebrity, you will also have tons of fun!  :)

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Comment by Shelley Hitz on June 30, 2014 at 10:36am

Haha!!  Yes :)  Maybe you'll be next, Brianne!!

Comment by Brianne Pierson on June 30, 2014 at 9:57am

You are a celeb! Congrats on your front page pic! Very cool!

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