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High Drive Challenge – GREAT training for the Triple Crown!!!!

I’d say the High Drive Challenge is a great way to practice how you’ll feel during the Ascent, as well as the next day when your quads are burning trying to walk down stairs.  Oh no, that would be if I signed up for the Marathon.  Thank Goodness I did NOT.  I’ll leave that to Dave doing the DOUBLE. 

Anyway – High Drive Challenge was 10 miles, basically the old Summer Round-up on steroids.  I had only been to the turnaround for the Summer Round up until Sunday.  I’ll say it was quite a challenge.  Not to mention the fact that I thought I was in last place for a good hour.  Not that there is anything wrong with being in last place, but I was feeling kinda defeated.  I did not want to disappoint my Peaks and Pines Beer team or my Triple Crown Mighty Marmot team.  I am terrible at mileage, as I don’t wear a watch, but I’d guess we went UP for a good 2 miles with no reprieve.  Again I was stressed by the heat.  I have got to get out in the sun.  Have I mentioned that I actually have a vitamin D deficiency from too much running in the dark only? 

It was great to finish the race and see my Peaks and Pines team at the last turn there to run me in.  I spent the last 30 minutes craving bacon – we went to Mountain Shadows for breakfast – A great way to finish a tough run.   Crispy hash browns, drenched in green chili and crispy bacon J

I took off Monday and thought I better run the garden this morning with the great 10 mile Garden race on the horizon (Sunday, June 12th)!!!  I hate to admit it was beast of a run today.  I think I was still a bit beat up from all the downhill bounding on High Drive.  No worries – It was still beautiful and I cannot wait for Sunday – my favorite of all races !!!!!!

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Comment by David Mulligan on June 8, 2016 at 7:51am

You always think you're in last place........way to go Cupcake! On devouring those crispy hash browns, green chili and crispy bacon too! You forgot to mention the giant cinnamon bun......lol

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