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Duane and Jaclyn Roberson
  • Colorado Springs, CO
  • United States
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  • Tim Bergsten
  • Brian McCarrie

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Duane and Jaclyn Roberson's Blog

A BQ on a Broken Ankle

Nothing was shaping up in my favor, as I road the bus to the starting line of the Colorado Marathon. The weather was snowy and cold to start. During the week, I had begun looking for other marathons that I could run to Boston Qualify, in the event that my time was affected by the impeding crappy weather. I'm not sure why I was so concerned, considering that some of my best racing has happened during the winter months. As I finally stepped off the bus, with only minutes to spare, I decided to…


Posted on May 15, 2016 at 9:00am

A Shout-Out to High-Five Hoodoo

When I first started running, Duane would take me over to Palmer Park to run the Templeton Gap trail. You might be familiar with the trail. It's death in the form of some dirt and rocks. The terrain involves intense, short climbs that will leave you hating running, and your partner, at least it did for me. Duane is also very fast, and I'm pretty sure he could've hiked the 3.8 mile route faster than my beginner legs could run it.

I had a lot of special stops along this run "The…


Posted on June 21, 2014 at 12:52pm — 1 Comment

Kokopelli Kids!

I spend a lot of the year watching kids run, as a high school cross country and track coach. I love passing on my love of running to young adults, in hopes that they will become life-long runners or college athletes. When I knew the baby was coming in February, I decided to take the spring season of track off. Being a great teacher, coach and mom is very difficult...and being a mom comes first.

Typically, my spring flies by and I jump into the summer feeling like a stranger in…


Posted on May 23, 2014 at 5:20pm — 1 Comment

Here I Run

The past two weeks of running have been pretty inexplicable. My abilities have changed, daily; and I'm grateful for the natural improvement. Truthfully, I haven't even been trying. It became noticeable a week ago, when I stood at the starting line of Take 5 in the Garden. I had decided to drag my butt off the couch and get moving, but my strategy was to walk every hill and generally take it easy with some 14 minute miles. I was certain that the race would take me over an hour to finish. But,…


Posted on May 11, 2014 at 9:30pm

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At 4:41pm on February 27, 2011, Tim Bergsten said…

Hey Duane and Jaclyn!

Thanks for joining PikesPeakSports.us, the digital stomping ground for the outdoor community. On this site, you can share your stories, blogs, photos and videos about your fun and active lifestyle. We're looking forward to reading your words and seeing your photos! This site works when members contribute info.
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Thanks again and happy trails!
Tim Bergsten
PikesPeakSports.us site manager/editor

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