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Front Range Cyclist Bicycle Pavillion at the COS "What If??" Festival!

Event Details

Front Range Cyclist Bicycle Pavillion at the COS "What If??" Festival!

Time: September 11, 2010 from 9am to 5pm
Location: Downtown Colorado Springs (almost 6 city blocks)
Street: Between Colorado/Vermijo and Cascade/Nevada
City/Town: Colorado Springs
Website or Map: http://www.Facebook.com/front…
Phone: 719-387-1277
Event Type: bicycle, show
Organized By: Jon Severson
Latest Activity: Aug 10, 2010

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Event Description

Bicycles. A very simple innovation created over a 100 years ago, yet it's efficiency and applications continue to grow by leaps and bound every year. Whether it's the latest lightweight Tour de France bike, cutting edge suspension design, or just to get around there are limitless.......and very creative....innovations in cycling going on each day. Whether it be the bicycle itself, the rider's training, or the clothing they wear.

Front Range Cyclist is happy to announce that we've been asked to put together the first ever "Bicycle Innovation and Imagination" expo outside (a first in Colorado Springs for a bike expo) in Downtown Colorado Springs at the Colorado Springs "What If?" Innovation Festival Sept 11th.

20,000-30,000 attendees are expected from around the state.

Over 6 city blocks will feature a variety of innovations from local businesses, inventors, artists, tinkerers, and the next generation. We're very excited to be the ones picked to organize the bicycle exposition of this event! We'll also have special guests, Colorado Springs Cruisers, leading off a cruiser ride at 1pm that day. Other special events in the works!

Event cost: Free to the Public

Booth space at Bicycle Expo: Free, but must be present an application to Jon Severson of Front Range Cyclist frontrangecyclist@gmail.com

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