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Chick-fil-A Ride for Heroes & 9-11 Tribute Events

Event Details

Chick-fil-A Ride for Heroes & 9-11 Tribute Events

Time: September 11, 2010 from 8am to 2pm
Location: CTU - Behind Chick-fil-A at Garden of the Gods
Street: 4435 N. Chestnut St.
City/Town: Colorado Springs
Website or Map: http://www.cfacoloradosprings…
Phone: 719-650-5114
Event Type: cycling, event
Organized By: Torie Giffin
Latest Activity: Aug 31, 2010

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Event Description

Choose-Cycle-Celebrate POLICE * FIRE * MILITARY
2 great rides and community events at all 5 Colorado Springs Chick-fil-A locations to benefit and celebrate our hometown heroes. Pre-registration fee only $15. Team and family discounts also available. For more information www.cfacoloradosprings.com

28-mile Heroes Challenge Ride featuring more than 2,200 ft of total elevation gain. Prizes will be awarded to top fundraising individuals and teams, largest team, best team theme (jerseys, accessories & name) as well as most patriotic.

11-mile Patriots Ride along the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail and Monument Creek. Patriotic dress and bike decorations are highly encouraged. There will be prizes awarded for most patriotic individual and group as well as for top fundraising individual and group or team.

Prizes awarded include: 10 Free Chick-fil-A meals to each member of the largest team, best team theme and most patriotic team and individual. Free Chick-fil-A for a year (1 per week) will be awarded to each member of the top fundraising team and individual over $1,000. All fundraisers over $500 will be entered into a drawing for a bicycle donated by Performance Bicycle.

Fundraising is optional for this event. You can make a difference 2 ways either by raising money for our chosen police, fire or military charities or by dining at any of our 5 area Chick-fil-A restaurants. We will donate a percent of sales all day to the Home Front Cares, the Firefighters Fund and the Peace Officers Memorial.

Event support is being provided by the following Bike Shops: Ted's Bicycles is providing bike racks and bike checks at event start/finish and sag support for the 28-mile Heroes Challenge. Criterium Bicycles is providing rest stop and on route sag support for 11-mile Patriots ride. Performance Bicycle is providing bike check at Garden of the Gods Trading Post rest stop and prizes including bicycle donation.

Opportunities available to a limited number of experienced cyclists to serve as volunteer "Ride Ambassadors" to ride 28-mile Heroes Challenge and help keep riders safe and following the rules of the road. Free registration and an event active shirt. Contact Torie.

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Join Pikes Peak Sports

Comment by Torie Giffin on August 31, 2010 at 9:21pm
Ken, Great! We're glad to have you and the Elliptigo on the ride!
Comment by Ken Hanes on August 31, 2010 at 4:17pm
The Elliptigo Team will be there.

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