WHAT: Friends of Red Rock Canyon's regular meeting
WHEN: 6:30 P.M. Monday, September 13,
WHERE: The Academy room at the Colorado Springs City Hall 107 N. Nevada (Enter through the lower level southeast door, and sign in at the
guard's desk)
Agenda items will include:
1) Final plans for Saturday's Codell Trail project
2) Discussion of the picnic area
3) Discussion of future benches
Some background: Over 2 years ago Chris Verlo approached Friends of Red Rock Canyon
about the possibility of a bench in Red Rock Canyon in memory of his
late wife, Kathy. As a Manitou Council Member, Kathy played a critical
role in the effort to preserve Red Rock Canyon. Chris and his son Eric
identified a particularly suitable location for the bench along the
Quarry Pass Trail and requested that Kathy's memorial bench incorporate
a backrest.
Besides being an advocate for Red Rock Canyon, Kathy was an advocate
for the arts, and especially for Concrete Couch. So, a bench created by
Concrete Couch seemed especially appropriate.
At that time, we were told by Parks staff that any future benches could
only be the same style as the benches already in Red Rock Canyon Open
Space (i.e. the wooden benches along the Contemplative trail, which do
not have backrests). With this setback, and with White Acres fundraising
occupying Friends of Red Rock Canyon, a Verlo memorial was put on hold.
When we saw the concrete and stone Sparks Bench (in photo above) at the end of the
picnic area parking lot, we presumed the Parks Department had become
more open to other bench designs. However, we were recently told that
after the Sparks Bench was installed the Department had decided that all
future benches must be the same style as the Sparks Bench and must only
be placed at specified locations at the ends of the main and picnic area
parking lots.
Sarah Bryarly of the Parks Department has now hinted that some
flexibility might be possible and has suggested that we as Friends of
Red Rock Canyon offer our suggestions.