There is nothing like a great day on your bike, or a run on area trails to make you feel alive! Tell us about your best day of riding, running, hiking or racing and we'll enter your name in a drawing for the new Carmichael Training Systems Performance discs. Here's how you can win.
1. Write a blog about your best cycling or running experience. Tell us what happened, how did you feel, where did it all go down? Tell us what you'll always remember about that day. Stories about racing, training, and recreational runs or rides will work great. Tell us about that running/riding experience that really made you feel 10 feet tall!
2. We know you're not Ernest Hemingway, so don't sweat it. A few paragraphs will work great! Include photos if possible ... they're worth 1,000 words you know....
3. You have to register with PikesPeakSports.us (it's free and easy) to post information. Just click "Sign Up" to get started.
4. Click "Blogs" to get started. Then click
"Add a Blog Post."
These workouts designed by Chris Carmichael will challenge you, they'll make you sweat, but they'll make you fast and strong. They'll provide a great way to pass cold winter afternoons. And if you can't use them, somebody you know would love to find these under their Christmas tree.
We can't wait to hear from you. Merry Christmas!
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