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As the Pikes Peak Ascent race day approaches it is hard to believe that it is just 4 days away. In 4 days I am going to run a race that I set a goal of completing back in November of 2016 and starting training for in November of 2016.  I have set goals for myself in the past but I would rank running the Pikes Peak Ascent among the top.

Running has taken over my life to say the least.  If you have been following my story you will know that I have lost  34 pounds and can run 15 miles on any given day without killing myself. I look around my office space and what surrounds me now?  Running bibs, Garden of the Gods running posters, running medals and my YouTube up and running with Run Steep Get Highs Hardrock 100 mile run coverage.  Maybe one day I will run the Hardrock.  I will start out with smaller goals first. I talk about my next goals in my previous post http://www.pikespeaksports.us/profiles/blogs/2017-pikes-peak-ascent...

I am excited for Saturday to come and will be here before I now it.  My calendar is booked solid until then. I completed my last training run today, 5 miles in palmer park. Tomorrow I am attending the trails in motion film festival.  Thursday I will be at run fest. Then to make my life easier race morning we are camping at Pikes Peak RV Park Friday and Saturday night.  

To close this one out I have this surreal feeling right now.  I don't think it all has sunk in yet. Maybe it will all sink in after the race. I try to find words to explain this feeling and I am speechless.  I look forward to seeing my friends and fellow racers this weekend.  This is one that will definitely go down in the history books.


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