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Random Musings on Running & Barcelona

So here we are only 4 weeks out from the magnum opus of races and I just took an entire week off.  Crazy, I know, and not really what I'd planned.  I'm now naturally concerned about what that desert of a week has done to my training, how much muscle mass I've obviously lost, and what a week at sea level has done to my red blood cells.  

I wonder these things, but I don't regret the week off from my mad running schedule.  My much-needed break was spent with my family, in the most beautiful city in el mundo, Barcelona, Spain.  And although my husband and I both brought our running shoes, and planned several early morning runs through the city, the time change and the many late nights on the town drinking my favorite gin and tonics, completely sapped my motivation.  

We did walk many miles every day, and ended up running through the airport to catch our flight home, but I don't think that low-impact exercise will help me come mid-August, when I run up that 14,000ft monster in our back yard.  Today I reacquainted myself with my running shoes and ran 6 slow miles in GOG.  My legs felt okay, but my lungs were burning on the hills.  Can one week really make much difference in the overall scheme of my race training?

I don't really know, but again, it was totally worth it.   

I'd love to hear any similar 'time off from running' anecdotes and whether the break affected your performance on race day.  Also, what is the best and most efficient running plan to get back to your previous fitness level?  A slow-and steady build-up, or a hard-charging schedule that moves you past your previous fitness level within a short period of time?  I'm going the hard-charging route, otherwise I'll lie awake at night wondering about whether I'm running enough.

And here's some random stuff:

Sunday is the Pridefest Big Gay 5k.  It's at America the Beautiful Park at 10am.  I know, that's really late, but it's still fun, so come join us!

Here is my family outside the famous Sagrada Familia Cathedral.  I just threw in the photo for fun.  It's not really important to the blog, except that the photo makes me happy.  

Have a great running weekend everyone!

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Comment by Sean O'Day on July 18, 2014 at 3:13pm

I disagree - that photo does all the explaining for your week of you would ever need to do.  :)

Not to worry.  You'll still get up that pile of rocks.  

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