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Get those kids running! (Part 2): Kid's Injinji Toe Socks Review

So back in April, I had put up a post (click here) about getting kids out there and running, and talked about the Spring Landsharks running team our 8 year old (then 7) twin boys had joined at their elementary.

Well, they enjoyed it so much that they wanted to participate again this Fall.  And I was excited because in the Fall the focus is more on cross-country type running. In anticipation of their fall season, the cool folks at Injinji sent them some of the new kids socks to try out.

Ok... so before I let my boys give you a full review, let's talk about the colors.  They currently come in the gray/blue or purple/pink.  Now, I obviously I have twin boys, both different sizes.  When the socks showed up, I had a minor panic...  one pair was pink and purple! I even went as far as to send an email with a heads up that I may need to get those swapped out for the blue/grey.  But, obviously the insecurity is my own.  When the boys saw the socks, J says "oh hey cool! I love these colors!".  So.. never mind me :-).  That made me feel pretty good... I truly hate when things are promoted as "boys" color or style, or "girls"..  kids are kids and let them decide.  But of course I had concerns about him being teased at school... however that was not an issue because he had no problem letting his peers know that he was specifically chosen to "test and review" these socks for the company, and would be helping to provide a review on the internet based on his impressions.  Case closed :-)   I also have to give credit to the boys PE teacher...  my wife had given her a heads up and noted that the boys said that she would know all about minimalist running..  so, she quickly got educated.. and then let the boys talk about their socks during PE... too cool.

Getting ready! And yes.. that's me in the back running sweeper.. or "turtle" as I like to call it :-)

Ok... so after receiving the socks, the boys were more than anxious to wear them..  bugging their mom to ensure they were clean for practices and for their big meets!  Here they are getting geared up for one of their 1 mile runs at the local golf course.  And in case you were wondering, they ran in water shoes... super flexible, super flat... and from Wal-Mart.. super cheap!

N powering it out for a strong finish...I could learn some form techniques from him!

J with his PR in the last meet... running faster than Dad.. lol

The coveted medal in the last meet.. oh, and snacks

Hopefully just a start on a good collection of medals!

Ok.. so on to the review!  You already know how I feel about Injinji toe socks, based on the three reviews I've done herehere, and here.

So.. at the risk of losing all future reviews to my boys, here is their video review of Injinjis toe socks for kids!

Ok Injinji...   you heard it from them.. let's get some new colors, and new features!  However, if you include the lighting enhancement, they expect credit for that idea!  And, Vibram, if you are tuning in, you have a couple of dudes here ready to give your kid's sized VFF's and good run and a comprehensive review!

So.. get out and get those kids running!

Thanks again for tuning in.. and if you have any comments/questions/feedback, please let me know below!

Happy trails!


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