
Tim Bergsten created this Ning Network.

Lori H
  • Female
  • United States
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Lori H's Friends

  • Ralph Clark
  • Chris Carruth
  • Brian McCarrie

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Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 10:01pm on December 16, 2013, Ralph Clark said…

Hi Lori,Please credit Ralph Clark Photography.My address is 2780 Richmond Dr. CS 80922

Thank you again Lori.



At 4:12pm on December 16, 2013, Ralph Clark said…

Hi Lori,

Here are copies of the two files you requested.  Please let me know if you have any problems with them.

Also, can you send me a copy of your newsletter once you publish it?


Ralph Clark



At 7:48pm on May 16, 2012, Chris Carruth said…

Hey Lori, just sent you an email with the original photo and caption.   Hope you can use it.  Best!

At 4:40pm on May 20, 2011, Tim Bergsten said…

Hey Lori, I e-mailed the photos to you that you requested.


At 10:05am on August 16, 2010, Brian McCarrie said…
Hi Lori, I got your message about using one of my photos for the Pikes Peak Road Runners newsletter. That sounds great! Please use any photo that you would like. All I ask is that you please credit me and PikesPeakSports.us. Also, if you need a higher resolution photo, I'm sure I have it. Just let me know which one.

At 6:24pm on July 5, 2010, Tim Bergsten said…
Hi Lori!
Thanks for joining PikesPeakSports.us, the digital stomping ground for the outdoor community. On this site, you can share your stories, blogs, photos and videos about your fun and active lifestyle. We're looking forward to reading your words and seeing your photos! This site works when the individual members contribute info.
We're all about building community right here in Colorado Springs, connecting you with others who share a common passion for running, riding, hiking and climbing.
Please be sure to join the groups that you like. You can read more here about using the site. And check out our new Incline group where we have begun a list of everyone's personal-best times. It's all for fun...go for it!
Please tell your friends about us and please share your PikesPeakSports.us posts on your Facebook and Twitter accounts. It will really help us build this online community.
If you have questions or comments, please e-mail me at the address below.
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Thanks again and happy trails!
Tim Bergsten
PikesPeakSports.us editor

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