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Zero-degree run in the Garden of the Gods

Zero-degree run in the Garden of the Gods

Got in a mellow four-miler on the icy trails in the Garden of the Gods with my tough daughter, Laurel. Temperature was right at zero degrees when we started. I had plenty of layers on, but Laurel had one on the bottom and two on top. She didn't seem to notice the cold at all, grinding up the hills and into the wind. It was typical weather for Dec. 30 in central Colorado.
The sun peeked through for a minute before it settled on a foggy horizon, and the soft winter colors came to life.
By run's end it was gone and my ice beard began to fill in as the temperatures took a nose dive. Still, the single track in the Garden of the Gods delivered a wonderful sense of peace, and I'm grateful for quality time with this kid who has become such a lovely young woman.

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