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Fast company at Bolder Boulder, Gallery 2

Fast company at Bolder Boulder, Gallery 2

It was Wendy Thomas' dream to run in the Bolder Boulder women's elite race. On Monday, before a packed stadium at Folsom Field, Thomas' dream came true.
How did it feel to reach her goal?
"It hurt," she said. "I forgot how much this race hurts."
Thomas, who grew up in Colorado Springs and graduated in 1997 from St. Mary's High School (she was Wendy Moyle then), finished 21st in a field of 32 very fast women runners. She covered the famous 10K course in 36 minutes, 12.95 seconds, about three minutes off the winning pace of Mamitu Daska of Ethiopia (33:05.25).
"That's not my best time here, but I'm happy with it," Thomas said.


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