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Get ready for 2011 Triple Bypass and Inaugural 2011 Double Triple Bypass

After 23 years of organizing the annual Triple Bypass Bicycle Ride, Team Evergreen Bicycle Club is pleased to announce a two-day Triple Bypass event for 2011 – the traditional ride West from Evergreen to Avon on Saturday, July 9, 2011 and an inaugural ride East on Sunday, July 10, 2011 from Avon to Evergreen.  For those truly interested in a heart-pounding experience, Team Evergreen has set aside 500 entries for riders to complete both ride days as the Inaugural “Double Triple Bypass.”  With two ride days planned for the 2011 Triple Bypass, the total number of available entries will increase to 6,000.


Registration for the rides begins on January 7, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. at www.triplebypass.org.


“Over the years, we have experienced great demand for the traditional Triple Bypass from Avon to Evergreen which accommodates 3,500 riders on the one-day ride,” said Victoria Klinger, President of the Team Evergreen Bicycle Club.  “We are thrilled to offer a second ride day for an additional 2,500 riders on the following day.  We are also excited to see 500 entries available for those up for the ultimate challenge - the Double Triple Pass.”


As one of the most challenging one-day cycling events in the country, the traditional Triple Bypass climbs three mountain passes – Juniper (11,140 ft.), Loveland (11,990 ft.) and Vail (10,560 ft.) - and more than 10,000 feet in elevation gain during the 120-mile ride.  The Double Triple Bypass is definitely not for the faint hearted.  For the 500 riders who complete both days, six mountain passes, more than 20,000 feet in elevation gain and 240-miles of riding will be conquered in less than 48 hours.  To qualify to register for both days, riders must have participated in a past Triple Bypass or a similar road ride with over 10,000 feet in elevation gain.


The Triple Bypass has enabled Team Evergreen to distribute donations in excess of $600,000 to local community and charitable organizations along the route and throughout Colorado.  In 2010, The Triple Bypass provided more than $125,000 to local charities.  The two ride days will continue to allow Team Evergreen to grow their contributions to the community.  The Triple Bypass helps support Team Evergreens' mission to promote safe cycling in Colorado communities and showcase the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.


“In addition to the Triple Bypass providing an unparalleled challenge to our riders, we have been able to generate a spotlight for tourism and cycling in the state of Colorado,” said Klinger.  “We hope the two ride days of the Triple Bypass plus the Double Triple Bypass will further promote the cooperation and collaboration of cycling enthusiasts and our great Colorado communities.”


The challenge will be enhanced, as usual, by the ride’s amenities –  fully stocked aid stations with food, drink and lively volunteers, SAG wagons ready to offer a lift to those in need, mechanical support and a finish line celebration in Avon on Saturday and Evergreen on Sunday that offers showers, massage therapists, and a Colorado-style barbecue to re-fuel after a challenging day.  All riders also receive a commemorative 23rd annual Triple Bypass jersey while the finishers of the Double Triple Bypass will receive a unique cycling vest commemorating the inaugural event.


For more information about the 2011 Triple Bypass and 2011 Double Triple Bypass, please visit www.triplebypass.org.

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