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By Erica Meltzer

Boulder Daily Camera

No, it's not your imagination. Boulder really is the biking-est city in the country.

An analysis of data released this week from the American Community Survey, an ongoing study of economic and cultural conditions conducted by the
Census Bureau, found that more than 6,400 people bike to work on a
regular basis.

That accounts for 12.3 percent of the workers aged 16 and older in the city -- a higher percentage of the workforce than in any other city.

About half of Boulder workers -- 26,869 people -- drive to work alone. The remaining workers carpool, use public transportation, walk or work from home.

The city with the next-highest percentage of bike commuters was Eugene, Ore., with 10.8 percent, followed by Fort Collins, with 9.9 percent.

Portland, Ore., won handily for sheer number of bike commuters -- more
than 16,800 people there use pedal power to get to work -- but they
account for just 5.8 percent of the workforce.

The data released this week from the American Community Survey was collected in 2009

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