Dear Boulder Marathon Runner,
Boulder Marathon, Half Marathon & 10 Kilometer event will now take
place on Sunday, October 3rd at the City of Boulder Reservoir!
If you're a participant in the event, here's what you need to know for now:
1. Aside from the date, nothing changes with the event: Despite
the fact that the race has been postponed by two weeks, everything else
about the event remains the same. Same start/finish at the City of
Boulder Reservoir, same start times on race morning.
2. Packet pickup will take place at the 29th Street Mall in Boulder on Friday, October 1st and Saturday October 2nd - from 10am until 5pm on both days.
3. Registration Remains Open: We
are closing in on our cap of 2,000 vehicles at the Boulder Reservoir -
so if you wish to run in the marathon, half marathon or 10 kilometer
event, register today! There's still time to get registered for the event, but time is running out.
Stay tuned for more updates on the event. We'll see you at the reservoir!
Sincerely,Jeff Mason
Race Director,Boulder Marathon, Half Marathon & 10 Kilometer