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Hills. I can say that I don’t love them, yet I find myself facing another training season full of them! I would have never thought I would be one of those crazy people running up all of those hills at Garden of the Gods, let alone running to the top of Pikes Peak! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WAY! That kinda stuff is for crazy people!

As much as I have improved over the years, running never gets easy. There is always something that makes it tough- the weather, aches and pains, the “just not feeling it” days, and the times I fall down and crack my phone while waiving at the mailman (well that only happened once) but you name it- there is never a day without some type of challenge. I think that’s why I love it. 

 Last year, I ran my first Pikes Peak Ascent.  It was one of the craziest experiences of my life, and I couldn’t have picked a better season of life to train and finish the race. I remember starting with tears in my eyes- thinking about all of the things I would tell myself as I trained for the first time. I thought about how strong I have been throughout my life. I lost my mom at 14 years old, I lived in Central America in my 20’s, and like any other human being I have had my share of heartache in my short 35 years. Somehow I have endured. The mountain reminded me of that. I didn’t know what was to come, how much it would hurt, or the amount of dedication I needed to get to the top-but I made it. My dad was waiting for me there on race day. I will never forget that feeling as I cried tears of joy. I was proud of myself, but more than that, I was more satisfied in knowing I made him proud that day.

So this summer as I train once again I often ask myself, “What makes me spend money on good shoes, spend most of my weekends on trails, and double up my laundry load with sweaty clothes?” I think I can explain it in the most ordinary ways.

An early Thursday morning comes quickly when I know I need to lace up for a long run. The sun is just starting to come up, and I know I will be out alone with my thoughts. These are the runs that remind me to take care of myself. They are the runs I need most because I need to show myself that I have what it takes. As the hills come and go, I run harder to prove it is more than just a physical experience. These training runs have become some of my favorite accomplishments in life. In these times I have learned the importance of training and having a training routine. I train for one reason- to be strong. Well- and to look cool on race day.

When Saturday comes, my running buddies are all there- ready to tackle Rampart Range Road, which is nothing but uphill. We start and end together, but the in between is pushing ourselves as hard as we can with encouragement along the way. We laugh, we yell at each other when it hurts, and we force one another up that forever long hill. They are the reason I continue to run. They are my motivation. With this group by my side I have learned to love the pain because I don’t want to be the one who doesn’t make it to the top. We are known around the running community as the “fun runners” and I love it. We value the importance of working hard and playing harder! They have made running an even greater passion in my life, and to think I met them by buying them a pitcher of beer. Beer Saves Lives, friends. I think most days we run just for the beer at the end.

When it’s race day, we are all pumped! Bolder Boulder- it’s my favorite race of the year and the first race of the summer before training gets more intense.  It’s more of a fun run, but it’s a challenge nonetheless. It’s a reminder of why I train. There are thousands of people, adrenaline is high, and we all have the same goal- to prove what we’ve got and to have a good time. We’re crazy and we love it!!! Running, a slip and slide, a beer, Jell-O shot, and a little bacon mid-race never hurt anyone, right?

So there it is. Running has become my life and the uphill awaits- memories, nice tans, Bud Light, after-party dancing, and telling the tired runner they can do it on race day. It is crazy to most people, but crossing finish lines is quite the addiction.

I hope I have convinced some non-runners to get out there. If I haven’t, that is my goal this summer. Find something you love and do it. Find your “run”.

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Comment by David Mulligan on June 2, 2016 at 1:22pm

Awesome Jen!  Running is my therapy and I hate to use a cliche, but I think you really nailed it in your blog, running is about the journey and not the destination.  Although crossing the finish line is pretty rewarding as well!  Happy running!

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