
Tim Bergsten created this Ning Network.

Now that I've gotten over my self-depricating break down after Sunday's run I've regained my sense of humor and perspective about running.  

For one, I have reminded myself that running is not a life or death sport, unless of course you're being chased by wildlife, in which case - don't think about it, just run!

Secondly, no matter how sucky a run feels in the moment, a few hours later my brain unfailingly snaps back into runner-nerd mode wherein it thinks in terms of mile splits, routes, hydration, fueling, and the next opportunity to get outside.

The point of this quick note is more for me to look back at after my next crappy run and remember that life goes on; legs recover; good runs follow bad runs; rest is part of a smart training plan, not a once-every-six-weeks-occurance; and that I've worked through bad days before.


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