
Tim Bergsten created this Ning Network.

Today I decided to do the incline. . .twice. I have often told close friends and family that I could do it no problem. I felt like I could push the first one and just relax on the second one and finish without dying. Sometimes things go exactly as planned. Today was not exactly one of those times. I got started wearing nothing but my minimus shoes (no socks), short orange shorts, and Garmin Forerunner 305. I paced myself pretty good jogging some easier parts and finished my first ascent of the Incline in 29:50 (40 seconds off my PR). I felt pretty good so I jogged back down the Incline. Once I made it to the bottom I took my shoes off to get the rocks out that had built up. I paused a few seconds to see if I was truly going to do this again. I decided to do it and against my better judgement I started jogging the first part. I kept walking at a consistent pace and was on pace to go under 35 for my second trip up. I decided to push it at the top of the false summit. I started jogging, but quickly realized I was extremely dizzy. I slowed down and finished my second ascent in 34:46. I was exhausted beyond belief. I don't know how people can do that regularly. The best part of the whole thing was when I was sitting up top catching my breath this guy said, "The only person I didn't want to beat me was the guy in orange shorts, and he beat me." The woman that was with him said, "Yes, he did beat you, and wasn't this your second time to do it today." I wasn't going to tell him that it was my second time, but when his friend asked me I just smiled and said yes it was. Keep going friends - MPC

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