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Confessions of a Cheese Bread Addict...

That's right.  I absolutely, hopelessly, and frustratingly love carbs and have a relentless sweet tooth.  Cheese bread from a certain local pizza joint in the Springs, ginger snap cookies, cheesecake, blueberry muffins, that wonderful lemon pound cake at Starbucks...they're my nemeses.  In my quest to get and stay fit, it's been difficult for me to moderate the intake of these things in my diet.  So in this blog post, I'd like to do a couple different things:  discuss my struggles with creating and keeping a healthy diet during race season, what I'm doing so far, and invite suggestions for how I can improve!  I'd love to hear ideas from readers on how you all maintain a healthy balance in your busy lives!


Now, having read that last paragraph, I don't want to give you the wrong impression.  For the most part, I eat pretty healthily.  I cook at home a LOT, and tend to concentrate on lean proteins (salmon, eggs, chicken), as well as a lot of veggies (usually frozen, and some fresh), and "good" carbs (whole wheat pastas, whole grains, etc.)  The main difficulty I find myself having is finding and keeping easy, quick healthy ingredients and meals around so that I can access them in the midst of my busy schedule, before and after workouts, and at bizarre times of day since I am a bartender and work odd hours.  When rushing off to work, crashing after a long day, or trying to grab a quick bite after a run, it's all too easy to fall back on fast food, or find myself subsisting on whatever tastes best with my Americano from Starbucks.  Also, I think I need to make a point of having healthier snacks around so I avoid the trap of going through a box of Oreos because I have the munchies and don't have anything less unhealthy around.  What are your favorite go-to healthy snacks to have on hand?


Another topic of dietary discourse, very near and dear as race day approaches tomorrow for the Garden of the Gods 10-miler is race day food.  I mentioned in another post about my less-pleasant experience "lightening the load" during the run portion of a triathlon, and since then I've been paranoid about what I have to eat before a race.  I typically stick to some complex carbs and protein, i.e. half of a bagel and some peanut or almond butter, followed by some pure fruit juice or something.  Does anyone have any better suggestions for race day nutrition?  Is it better to just go without and have some Powerbars or energy gels for during the race?  In a recent trip to a multi-sport shop, I found myself gazing blankly at all the bars, gels, blocks, jellybeans, trying to decide what is best for race day.


Regardless of what I put in my face before I hit the brutal hills of Garden of the Gods tomorrow morning, I’m feeling pretty ready.  I’ve been running more than I ever have and finally feel confident in my legs to take me through the course!  Thanks in advance for all your input, and see you on the trail!  (Yay, no more road running for me after tomorrow!!)


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Comment by Kristy Milligan on June 10, 2013 at 6:24pm

Is that Nutella on your toast?  One time, I was checking out at the grocery store with Nutella and the cashier said "Oooh, I love this stuff on crackers," to which I replied "Wait, you mean it goes ON things?"  I feel ya, Mr. Sweet Tooth.

Comment by CJ Hitz on June 9, 2013 at 11:00pm

I find that having a more healthy bar like a Larabar, Clif Mojo, Kind Bar or Honey Stinger bar with me when going into a coffee shop is helpful.  I'll have that with my cuppa joe instead of the high calorie & low nutrient dense pound cake.

One of my favorite pre-race meals for a race 10 miles or longer is a small bowl of oatmeal, cup of coffee and either a banana or a small can of pineapple chunks (potassium). This keeps me fueled the whole race.

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