Whether you've been naughty or nice this year, please help us make Christmas a little brighter for the less fortunate in our community by bringing your canned goods or one new toy to the third annual PikesPeakSports.us/Jack Quinn's Running Club Christmas Bash,
5-9 p.m., Dec. 16 at Stargazers Theatre, 10 South Parkside Drive (about three blocks east of Memorial Park on Pikes Peak Blvd.) Click here for map.
We'll have a 5K course laid out for you and runners are encouraged to check in at 5 p.m. If you don't want to run, that's fine, your attendance will count toward your Jack Quinn's Running Club total.
Your contributions of a new, unwrapped toy, or non-perishable food items will go to the nonprofit organizations The Bob Telmosse' Foundation and to the Care and Share Food Bank.
There will be good beer and food for sale, live music, vendors and merry makers to spread the Christmas cheer.
Last year, you all contributed about 830 pounds of food and about $2,000 worth of toys. Can we do better this year? We'll see you there, Colorado Springs!