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Anyone interested in a open water swim sometime in the next couple of weeks (either Fri afternoon or Sat/Sun)? I've signed up for Ironman CDA (June 27th) and need to get in some cold water with the wetsuit I just ordered. Also, I moved here a couple months ago and am not real familiar with good open water locations so suggestions are welcomed!

Brandon Stapanowich

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Hi Brandon - won't be able to swim with you but here is some info on open water swimming:

Chatfield State Park (south west of Denver, less than an hour sans traffic) has a couple options for open water swimming:
1) the swim beach. lots of triathletes will swim in the lane behind the roped in zone but inside the buoys that keep the boats out! Cost is the park fee, $7 unless you already have a state park pass. Swim beach opens at 10am (I think that is every day). not sure when it closes, probably 6?

2) the gravel pond. this south of the swim beach but need to belong to an organization that has access, i.e. Colorado Master Swimming Assoc. (http://www.comsa.org/openwater.html)

I'm sure there are other places, but I think Chatfield is the most convenient to access. Anyone else have suggestions?
My boyfriend and I are looking to go for an open swim somewhere next weekend likely. We have a olympic tri the end of june we are training for.
Kelly, I just learned that my wetsuit should arrive on the 4th so I'm up for anything after that. Let me know what works best for you and your boyfriend.

Kelly Ping said:
My boyfriend and I are looking to go for an open swim somewhere next weekend likely. We have a olympic tri the end of june we are training for.

I think Rich had posted something on the Pikes Peak Triathlon Club blog about open water swims in Denver. I think the link is www.withoutlimits.com and there is a page for the Aquaman Series held at Cherry Creek.

Best of luck.



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