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I’ve heard second hand of ticketing occurring on the incline with the officer? The story is that an officer stations themselves just off the trail & then approaching people hiking up & writing a $75 ticket.  Anyone hear of this?  Is there any truth to the story or is it an Urban (well maybe Urban/Wild Interface) Myth ?


I would think there are large number of people who leave their Ids in their cars, this would be problematic for the officer in identifying an individual, if it is actually occurring.


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I've not heard of this happening, although I'm certainly not the final authority.

I HAVE seen ticketing of vehicles in the upper parking lot and down in the trees who were parked wrong. I saw a VW Bug getting a ticket in the upper lot just 2 days ago. It was parked on the north end outside the wooden curb in the drive lane. Witnessing it removes any "myth" about it!

And I wish there was a way to ticket the dog owners who don't clean up after their dogs... or the humans who go into the brush near the trailhead and don't clean up their mess. It always smells like a sewer for those first few minutes of trail. Ugh.

But ticketing on the Incline itself... I haven't heard. Could just be a myth. Curious though.
This is the second time that I've heard this. But I've never heard it from a person who's actually been ticketed. Both times it's someone who heard that they were giving out tickets. So I don't think they are. I think Deb is right, it's maybe the vehicles getting ticketed for illegal parking.
They were ticketing cars again this morning. I passed him as he was writing tickets along the road. Then in the upper lot, 2 cars were parked diagonal on the side when you first pull in that is just parallel parking, and both were getting tickets when I found my spot. When I came back down 1.5 hours later, he was there again ticketing more cars parked diagonal in those same parallel spots. He said if he sees cars parked straight or awkwardly in the diagonal spots, he sometimes tickets them, too. Main thing he says is, "ITS SIMPLE...OBEY THE SIGNS, THE PAINT AND THE RR TIES, OR GET A TICKET." His car and shirt both said "Parking Enforcement". I didn't ask about possible ticketing of runners on the Incline.


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