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The guy who brought us the original "Inclinathon" (13 round trips on the Manitou Incline for a total of 26 miles), and "The Stank" (four consecutive round trips on Pikes Peak for a total of 100 miles), Brandon Stapanowich is now attempting the 24 Hour UltraInclinathon ... a little something he cooked up with the help of Incline fanatic Roger Austin.
Stapanowich, whose ultra running ability is nearly as impressive as his creativity for insane events on mountain sides, embarked on his day-long odyssey at noon on the 4th of July, 2014, in Manitou Springs.
He is attempting to climb the mile-long Incline as many times as possible in 24 hours. The Incline, an old railway bed, ascends 2,000 feet into the foothills at the base of Pikes Peak.
He could set the record for most elevation gained in 24 hours. The current known best is 37,572' by Robert Webb of Mt. Shasta, Calif.

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