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There is inaccurate information being circulated by several sources about the legalization of the Manitou Incline. While a bill regarding the Incline has passed through the Senate and is awaiting the signature of President Obama, it will not make the Incline legal to climb.

The legislation clears up a railway abandonment issue and allows the U.S. Forest Service and planners to proceed with the legalization process. The Incline crosses land owned by the City of Colorado Springs, the Cog Railway and the Forest Service. All three entities have approved the implementation of the Manitou Incline Site Development and Management Plan.

According to Incline Friends spokesperson Bill Beagle, the bill is an important step, but the Incline remains closed to the public.

"There are still a few things to be ironed out and while we would like to be able to give you an exact date on when the Incline might become legal, that's not possible at this time," Beagle said.  "Neither is it wholly accurate to say that any legislation will make the Incline 'safe.' This is an extreme trail that requires great caution and concentration. For more information, please visit InclineFriends.com."

Incline Friends in a nonprofit organization dedicated to making the Incline sustainable and open to the public.

The following is an updated status report about the legalization process that has been posted at InclineFriends.com.

November 5, 2012

Dear Faithful Incline Friends,

You have been more than patient and just as you persevere in climbing the Incline, you have been steady and unwavering in support of our efforts to help make the Incline a legal, sustainable, positive experience for those who use it. We appreciate your support, hours volunteered and donations. In appreciation of that support, we would like to bring you up to date on what has happened and what is still in the works.

Just as some perceive a “false summit” on the Incline, so it may seem that we have been close to, or going to or maybe this month or that month, have a legal Incline.

Rest assured that progress has and is being made in that direction, inching our way ever closer. It’s still not prudent to estimate a date for a legal “opening” of the Incline because “target dates” that come and go without final resolution, only frustrate everyone. So let us report on all the elements that have slowly but surely fallen into place. Almost all the required steps from the adopted Manitou Incline Site Development and Management Plan have been completed.

Required Actions to Legalize the Incline

IGA between Cities: Completed

Agreement between Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services and COG Railway: Completed

Agreement between Colorado Springs Utilities and CS Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services: Completed

Agreement for parking exchange between Manitou Springs and COG: Completed

US Forest Service Special Use Permit application submitted to US Forest Service by Colorado Springs: Completed

US Forest Service Special Use Permit: study complete and permit granted: Completed

Barr Trail: design and install barrier fencing surrounding parking lot, close social trail access, signage design and installation messages to include safety and wayfinding: Completed

Base of Incline Trailhead: Professional design, signage design and installation messages to include, safety, rules of use, wayfinding, first responders’ staging and pedestrian area painting. Completed

Safety repairs to trail connecting Barr Trailhead to base of Incline: Professional design, volunteer coordination and work days: Completed

Safety repairs to Incline including: debris and hazardous rebar removal and tie stabilization. Incline will be closed during work: Completed

Citizen Advocacy and Fundraising Group: organized and implemented education and recommended donation program in place: Completed

Parking regulations along Ruxton Avenue and residential parking program in surrounding neighborhoods: In-process.

The Consultant hired by Manitou Springs has produced the Residential Parking Program, which is being reviewed by City Council.  Neighborhoods will now have to petition to become part of the parking program.

Parking access management at Barr Trailhead Parking: parking kiosk: Completed

You’ll note that all but one of these steps, #12, are now complete and the Residential Parking Program (RPP) is steadily moving forward, being reviewed by City Council.  If the RPP is approved by City Council then neighborhoods will petition to become part of the parking program

It’s important for members of Incline Friends, and the general public, especially those of us who do not live in Manitou Springs, to keep in mind the pressures that the popularity of the Incline brings to bear on the residents of Manitou Springs, particularly those who live along Ruxton Avenue.

One of the biggest contributions you can make as a member of the Incline Friends is to help educate the public, increase their sensitivity and consideration for residents who live near the Incline. For example, one of the reasons we ask people to hike the Incline only from dawn to dusk is that a lot of local residents are still sleeping at 4 or 4:30 a.m. The slamming of car doors and the beeping of alarms as those doors are locked can be unpleasant wake up calls.

Acknowledging and appreciating the issues created by the ever increasing popularity of the Incline, including the efforts of local officials, goes a long way toward enhancing the credibility of the Incline Friends organization.

As slow and tedious as the legalization process may seem we want you to know there are a lot of people who have put in a lot of time and continue to do so, to make sure we “get this right.”

In other news

Work Days: On September 29th during our third volunteer project, some 25 volunteers reinforced the old social trail closures from the Barr Lot to the Incline saddle. On previous workdays we pruned vegetation along the Incline corridor, closed social trails, installed fencing around the Barr Parking Lot, installed signage, and removed rebar from the ties.  Thank you volunteers for all of your hard work. We have also set up on-going maintenance projects to help pick up trash and dog waste along the Incline.  

Watch for projects next summer which involve improving the connector trail between the Incline and Barr Trail.  Volunteers will be needed to make this happen.

Shuttle Service: Also in 2013 there will be a free shuttle from Manitou Springs Memorial Park to all surface parking lots and up Ruxton Avenue to Iron Springs Chateau. The route is designed to provide service every 20 minutes. The shuttle will operate in 2013 and 2014 from May to September. 

Nonprofit Status: Incline Friends is now officially a 501(c)3 (non-profit registered with the IRS) organization. We filed the paper work in 2011 and in July of 2012 it became official. This will facilitate fund raising efforts.

Donations - Thank You!: Speaking of which, we thank you generous folks who have “lightened your load” before starting up the Incline by dropping something in the Donation Tube. In a few short months the tube has generated more than $1,100. The largest donation was $180 but even small donations add up and will go toward improvements on the Incline.

Engineering Study: The City of Colorado Springs has retained Enginuity Engineering to complete engineering work along the Incline. Enginuity personnel hiked the entire Incline with Parks Staff, discussing (when they caught their breath) specific options that are or are not possible. Design work is slated to take 20 weeks. In addition to providing construction documents, a cost estimate will be generated to help determine how much money needs to be raised for improvements along the worst sections known as Conditions 5-7.

The City of Colorado Springs, in partnership with Manitou Springs, will continue to explore options for future grants.  Colorado Springs Utilities, the COG and the US Forest Service are working closely with both Cities to come up with the most appropriate fix for the Incline. To the best of our abilities we will improve the worst conditions of the Incline, while still preserving the unique character and challenge the trail provides.

Check the Web: For updates about the legalization process, please visit Inclinefriends.com. Our website is also a social network, so feel free to start an account and share your photos, videos and stories about your Incline adventures."

Board Member Departs: Lastly, it is with no small amount of regret that we bid adieu to Sandi Pelton, who stepped down from the Incline Friends Board of Directors. We all owe Sandi a debt of gratitude for her hard work over the last 18 months, taking the minutes of our meetings  We thank her for her significant contributions and know that she will be a loyal supporter in the future.’’

Thanks again to all of you for your support.

Sincerely, Incline Friends Board of Directors

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