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Mother of four, trail runner Susie Howery is Runners Roost Runner of the Month

It's a good thing Susie Howery is a morning person, otherwise she'd
never get to run.
The mother of four young children, daughter Josephine, 10, and sons Sam, 9, Max, 7, and Luke 3 1/2, Howery often hits the local trails before sunrise. Then the real workout begins.
"When you have a busy schedule, early morning is the only time to get out," she said. "After school, I'm just the sports shuttle person, which is fun, too. I love it."
Howery, 42, has been a runner "off and on" for 20 years. She ran to stay in shape in college and to reclaim her body between preganancies. Now she runs because it makes her a better person.
"I love getting up and starting the day with the sunrise," she said. "The temperatures are cooler, and it's just a great way to start day. Quite honestly, I'm a better mom and better person when I get to run. I get a little crabby if I don't get it in."
When running becomes the vehicle for self-improvement, inspiration follows. And for that reason, Howery is the Runners Roost Runner of the Month, and the winner of  a new pair of Mizuno shoes. The Runner of the Month program is the combined effort of Runners Roost, Mizuno and PikesPeakSports.us.
Over the years, Howery has gradually migrated to trail running. She has two Pikes Peak Marathon finishes (she placed 10th in 2010) and recently finished third with teammate David Mulligan in the 80+ team category at the 120-mile, six-day Trans Rockies Run.
The course started in Buena Vista and ended in Beaver Creek, piercing the heart of Colorado's high country. Howery and Mulligan spent their days on singletrack and jeep trails, climbing some of the highest passes in Colorado. Howery's husband, Jim, followed the race and set up the RV at the end of each stage. It was an experience she'll never forget.
"It was the biggest challenge that I've ever done," she said."It was so beautiful, the scenery was incredible. And it was great to be on a team and have somebody else fighting for you," she said.
But it's clear that Howery prefers the trails close to home. She took some time off to cure a case of plantar faciitis and then hit the trail one recent fall morning.
"I was dolling at the beauty of Colorado in the fall," she said. "The crisp air and the crunching leaves. I though to myself, 'this is what it's all about.'"
She is also motivated by her running friends. She joins them on the Incline each Thursday at 5 a.m., and for runs on their favorite trails.
"I just love Colorado Springs trails," she said. "Red Rocks, the Falcon Trail, High Drive, Palmer and Section 16. I've found that I really need to get out and pound those trails."

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