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Front Range Cyclist Bike Show rolls into Norris-Penrose Event Center on March 19

Local rider and cycling advocate Jon Severson launched Front Range Cyclist last year, kept the vibe alive on Facebook and Twitter, and started the Tuesday night Colorado Springs Cruisers. He's off to a good start in 2011. He introduced his new website this week, and on March 19 he'll host the Front Range Cyclist Bike Show at the Norris-Penrose Events Center. "Whether you race or just like to ride a cruiser, I like to see you have fun," Severson said. "This show is an extension of that." The event runs from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Admission is $5. Parking is free. Severson said the Norris-Penrose in-house catering will handle the food and drink, including slow-cooked pulled pork sandwiches and fresh-made potato chips. "The food is a good reason to attend all by itself."

The local riders know what to expect from a Jon Severson bike show, what will the experience be like for a newcomer or recreational cyclist?
Since I was 15 I've been helping people (kids and adults) get into cycling. Twenty-plus years. I bring "fun" to the experience of bicycles in whatever I do, No. 1. Whether you race or just like to ride a cruiser, I like to see you have fun. This show is an extension of that. Vintage bikes, bicycle clubs for kids only to women only to cruisers only to racing only to even handicaped…we have people there to help you learn more about how you love to love bikes. Plus we're working with only the best local shops at the show this year who love bikes as much as I do. 

Tell us about your lineup ... who will be there?
Geez that's a list. For brevity's sake we'll just say the great local shops, advocacy groups from all along the Front Range, various cycling events from cruisers to pro races, manufacturers, custom builders, amazing cycling clubs, and more. I think however the Bamboo bikes will be a big hit. 
SRM (www.SRM.de) has chosen to launch FOUR new products at our show…this is huge. My buddy Shiggy is doing a nationwide tour called "Shiggy's Out There" to create brand awareness for UK based company On One Bikes who recently also bought Titus Cycles. He'll have a bunch of cool new products with him from both companies which is exciting. We are the first major stop on the tour which is a huge honor. Because of both of these attractions we have media I'd never thought I'd have coming in five years coming to this show. I also am getting calls from all sorts of companies as a result…so who knows. We may have two or three more big surprises between now and Mach 19th.
What about this show do you think people will really like?
The energy of the show all together. We really have some great people who will be running these booths who just flat out love bikes.  I hate to say "oh this" or "oh that"….this show just has some amazing industry people coming to the show who the general public would never get to talk to any other way. Great chance to meet shop employees on a "fun" level. 
But if I had to pick. Hmmm….Bamboo Bikes are awesome. Electric bikes are going places. Plus we may end up with a rare pre-WWII 3 speed bike collection from Sante Fe. Really tough to say. Just that it will be worth hanging out all day for. 

Tell us about the party on Saturday to support the Missing Link Trail, there will be beer, correct?
Laura Long from Bristol hunted me down one day and told me she wanted to help raise money for the Missing Link Trail. So we're throwing a party afterwards…and yes there will be beer. Also working on an under 21 party as well. 

Changing gears, you have your ear to the ground when it comes to cycling (and other subjects). What is the most exciting thing happening in our cycling community?
I think for cyclist, it's the Missing Link Trail. Jim Schwerin of Medicine Wheel has worked 12 years on this. It not only links two major trail systems, but gives us a new 25-mile loop. This is the sort of thing small, obscure mountain towns have….not metro areas with 600,000 people. 
For our city's image/tourism, Quizno's ProChallenge is going to bring a lot of positive exposure to Colorado Springs. Lots of dollars. And some other surprises I can't talk about yet. But it's a big deal. 
For Cycling, Colorado Springs Cruisers. Cruisers are an awesome way to get non-cyclists out there. I talk with Brad Evans who owns Kickstand Magazine and founded Denver Cruisers. So much we can do to bridge the gap between cyclists and non-cyclists that really it's what excites me most right now. Like getting new people on bikes. 
Front Range Cyclist, you have your web page up ... congrats!. Where are you taking this thing?
Yep version 1.0 of the website is up. We're working on an Iphone/Android app right now too that is probably six months out but exciting. Goal is to support cycling of all levels on the Front Range as well as bring each community together. Basically I'm taking all I've learned from being an industry veteran (20-plus years), community leader, events promoter, and tech guy to make it all work. I have friends in shops, advocacy, team, and cycling community of Fort Collins, Boulder, Golden, Denver, Pueblo, and of course Colorado Springs. We'll be filling many voids over the next 17 months. Mum's the word for now. You can however follow the progress on FrontRangeCyclsit.com, Front Range Cyclist Facebook page, and Twitter@frontrangebike.

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