As part of its Sustainable Parks Initiative Stewardship Plan, The Trails and Open Space Coalition has created a volunteer program for anyone who wants to help care for Pikes Peak-area parks and open spaces. This from The Trails and Open Space Coalition website:
We are so glad you want to volunteer.
Drastic cuts to Colorado Springs' Parks, Recreation and Cultural
Services Department have removed trash cans in parks, eliminated
mowing in medians, decreased irrigation and dramatically reduced staff.
Parks can no longer "manage" an effective volunteer program at a point
in history when volunteers have never been so needed.The answer? The Trails and Open Space Coalition, coordinating with Parks staff and Friends groups have developed this website to connect you with projects. We know you care about local trails and open space. That's why you've come to this site to find out how you can make a difference. We're going to help you do that.
Pick one of the open space areas or parks listed. Find out what its
needs and connect with the group organizing the work event. Or if you
have some free time and a date in mind, go to the calendar and click on
the day to see what work is being performed where. If you still don't
find anything that suits your schedule or interests, contact us here at TOSC and we'll find something that works for you."Partners in Open Spaces and Parks" are committed to making this volunteer effort work and taking care of these resources we all use and love.